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  作者:中国人类学民族学研究会 | 中国民俗学网   发布日期:2009-07-26 | 点击数:45429

        12. 《祖先留下的规矩》,时长94分钟,导演庞涛、陈景源(中国)。




        The Rules from Ancestors

        This is an anthropological film about the customary law of the Yi people in Liangshan Prefecture, Sichuan Province.

        The film tells about the folk mediation for the case of "death strike". The term of "death strike" is peculiar to the Yi people. It means to commit suicide as a protest, which results from folk dispute and will cause a serious conflict between different clans. Usually, such cases need to be mediated in terms of the customary law, with the degu, the folk intellectuals of the Yi, as the mediators. The film records the process of mediation for a case of "death strike" in a Yi village. We can see in it the operation of the traditional customary law among the Yi folks, for examples, how the degu deals with the folk disputes with the customary law, and how the conflicting parties argue with each other in their appeals.

        The film approaches the "death strike" in the way of legal anthropology, and reveals the interaction between the state law and the customary law in the process of modernization.





        The Sorrow of the Camel

        This documentary THE SORROW OF THE CAMEL is telling about a true story which happened under the background like this: the Alasha area in Inner Mongolia is known as "the hometown of Chinese two-humped camels". The number of the Alasha two-humped camels was 250 thousand in the end of last century. However, there are only 60 thousand left at present due to many different reasons such as the environmental degradation. In order to protect this endangered animal, Chinese government classified two-humped camel as the national protected livestock in 2001. Under the extreme hard living circumstance, Erdendalai, a herdsman, has never given up raising the Alasha two-humped camels. And he owns 100 white two-humped camels now.

        Erdendalai hosts a celebration at home to celebrate the amount of his white two-humped camels has come to 100 and to show the power and prestige of "White Whirlwind", the greatest stud camel of his. However, just at the beginning of this celebration, "White Whirlwind" encounters a challenge-another little breeding camel wants to compete with him. And unfortunately, as the result of this competition, the hind legs of "White Whirlwind" are broken. Nevertheless, after the proper treatment and the painstaking care of the Erdendalai's, "White Whirlwind" stands up again at last. Camels mean a lot to herdsmen, they are not only the financial resources, but also an important part of herdsmen's spiritual world.




        City of Memories

        is the third documentary in the tetralogy "The Realm of Womenhood," after "Where is My Home?" and "The Ballads of Grandmothers." The film depicts the lives of elderly people living in a nursing home: their agony, longing and loneliness. Through the visuals of the film, they gradually illustrate a painting of their life. Love is after all an everlasting treasure intertwined in bittersweet sorrow. Caught in the space between dream and reality, images of wintry Taipei, with its drizzling rain, and the gloomy sky reflect fading minds of these aged women.

        The film depicts the life of the elderly people under this facility and illustrates the friendship and interaction between these seniors and their longing for the companionship of their family. Other than capturing the life of these elderly people, the subjects' love story and marital experience will also be the focus of the film. The age group of these people is between 70 and 90. They have lived through the turmoil of war. With their background and the history of the political situations in Taiwan, the film attempts to describe the ongoing love story and fate of these women to add a moving emotion to the film.

继续浏览:1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 |

  文章来源:新华网云南频道 2009年07月24日 12:32:47

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