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  作者:中国人类学民族学研究会 | 中国民俗学网   发布日期:2009-07-26 | 点击数:45428

        8.Han Xin's Revenge: A Daoist Mystery,时长100分钟,导演Patrice Fava(法国)。

        The great general Han Xin, after five years of heroic battles on the side of Liu Bang, has finally defeated Xiang Yu, the powerful hegemon of Chu, thereby aiding in the rise to power of Liu Bang, who would become the Emperor Gaozu, founder of the Han Dynasty. But the emperor was jealous of Han Xin's popularity and charisma, and had him assassinated, under the pretext that he was plotting against the throne. At his death, it is said, the sky turned black and his spirit was swept up into the beyond. His apotheosis is regarded as one of the great Daoist Mysteries of the Hunan region. The history of his revenge against the emperor first became a local epic and then a liturgical drama, which the Daoists of today continue to stage. This film, the subject of which cannot be found in Daoist written sources, will be of great interest not only to Daoist specialists, but also to those who are interested in the Nuo theatrical tradition, mythology, and, of course, Chinese ritual and religion. This unique film documents a great sacrificial ceremony, known as Duchangyuan, which lasts four days and four nights. It opens the door to a totally unknown esoteric ritual tradition with a very ancient pedigree. It also reveals that Daoism remains alive in the memory of the Chinese and that Daoist Masters still play a major role in contemporary society


        韩信为汉高祖刘邦出谋划策,灭楚霸王项羽,奠定了汉朝四百年的江山。刘邦登基之后,怕他谋反,设毒计将他暗杀。韩信在幽冥复仇雪恨,指使妖精作怪,以致刘邦病魔缠身,无药可医。全国挂榜求医。法师朱鹤,撕榜面圣,为汉高祖治病救急。他赶去龙虎山天师府请旨。天师指点 到乌风洞,请出十大都猖,捉妖除怪。十大都猖原来是巡山把界十大蛮王,被韩信前生收复,押在乌风洞内,变成十大都猖,在韩王麾下,掌管善者布福,恶者降殃之职。十大都猖把妖怪擒来,押赴法场宰杀,祭祀韩王,汉高祖病愈。



        9.Schoolscapes,时长78分钟,导演David MacDougall(澳大利亚)。

        Inspired by the cinema of Lumière and the ideas of the 20th century Indian thinker Jiddu Krishnamurti, David MacDougall follows up his Doon School Quintet, a series of films about a traditional school in North India, with this film about a famous progressive co-educational school in Andhra Pradesh, South India, the Rishi Valley School. Throughout his life, Krishnamurti taught that one should strive to observe more calmly and clearly the things around one. This too was how cinema began, and what excited its first audiences. This film attempts to recapture that freshness of observing the world. It is dedicated to the simple act of looking, in which each scene consists of a single shot.

        10.Duka's Dilemma,时长87分钟,导演Jean Lydall(英国)。

        Duka is a married woman and mother of five young children, living in Hamar, Southern Ethiopia. She welcomes her friend Kaira, daughter of anthropologist Jean Lydall, by encouraging her to make a film about herself and her family. Ever since her husband married a beautiful, young second wife, Duka has been in a state of emotional turmoil. Among the Hamar, who live with herds of cattle and goats, and cultivate small fields of sorghum in remote, bush-covered country, men are allowed to marry more than one wife, but only a few men ever do so. Duka wonders why her husband married again; did he find her too old, or was he turned off because of her chronic malaria? Also, she doesn't know what to make of Boro, the new wife, who is silent and never expresses her feelings except in rage? And on top of this, Duka's mother-in-law is angry with her son for marrying a second wife behind her back. Duka is optimistic, however, that things will improve once her co-wife gives birth. Sagonda, the mother-in-law, talks about her indispensable role whenever a daughter-in-law gives birth, and then a scene unfolds in which Boro, Duka's co-wife, goes into labour and, with the help of Duka, the mother-in-law and two other women, gives birth to a son. Marcelo Fiorini describes this scene as "some of the most stunningly powerful footage ever shot in ethnographic film." Nine months later, Duka, having given birth to yet another son, explains how well she and her co-wife are getting on with each other, but how their mother-in-law, Sagonda, is creating problems. At the naming ceremony for Duka's child a heated dispute erupts between the mother-in-law and her son, Sago. Sagonda, who suffers feelings of exclusion in her son's ménage, demands a new house, while her son complains about her drinking habits. The elders who are present resolve the dispute by recommending that Sago build a new house for his mother. The construction of a roof for this house by local men and boys both parallels and complements the birthing scene in the first part of the film. The film ends with Duka speaking to Kaira, saying, "Tell Tammo's dad he should see me in the film. May his friends and yours know it; hearing and seeing, may they like it. That's my request for the film."










        Beside the River

        This is the first audiovisual work about the Keriyans.

        In the hinterland of the Taklamakan Desert, the Keriya River, rising in the Kunlun Mountains and flowing northward, forms a green corridor about 400 km long and 5 km wide. The lower reaches of the river are called Daria-boyi, which means "riverside". The people living here for generations are called the Keriyan.

        Saderoz is 85 years old. He has lived with his family at the place called Kuikejiyidai (means green oleaster) in Daria-boyi for four generations. Rabiehan, his parturient granddaughter, will give birth to a baby, his great grandchild and the first member of the eighth generation of the family. However, quite a few people nearby have privately called the upcoming baby a "bastard".

        Rabiehan has been married once before. Later she got acquainted with Stick, a truck driver, and became his lover. Only when Rabiehan was close to giving birth did Stick divorce his wife and marry Rabiehan. Rabiehan hopes she can have a good family with Stick, together with her upcoming baby and his child.

        But, Rabiehan's two maternal uncles think this will bring disgrace to the family. They don't want the baby to be born.

        Rabiehan's mother, after having undergone two failed marriages, wishes to have the baby. This grandchild will be her only hope and spiritual ballast in the latter part of her life.

        Saderoz was the last one to know that his granddaughter was pregnant. He didn't speak a word about it.

        The great grandchild of Saderoz is born regardless of other people's gossip. The baby is a girl. A naming ceremony should be held in the 40th day after her birth. Saderoz asks a man to find the baby's father Stick. Meanwhile, he notifies his relatives and acquaintances far and near to attend the naming ceremony of his great granddaughter.

        The day before the ceremony, the man comes back with a bad news: he didn't find Stick. The Saderoz family all shed tears.

        The naming ceremony is on schedule. Saderoz gives his great granddaughter a name associated with an Islamic holy site-Medinahan.

继续浏览:1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 |

  文章来源:新华网云南频道 2009年07月24日 12:32:47

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