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Zhu Zhonglu-king of Huaer   

【作者】张君仁 【导师】乔建中; 王耀华

【摘要 (中文/英文)】 本研究是对一位民间歌手的专题探讨,目的在于对一个生存于独特的音乐文化现象之中的个人经历和所作所为进行客观的描述和主观的解释,描述的目的则在于从音乐人类学之特殊视角,对一个特定文化现象之中的歌者与歌种、个体与群体、社会与历史、文化与政治等诸种关系的认识。因此,本研究从本质上讲,是一种文化研究,是对“人”及其在社会生活中所构成的各种关系的考察,是寻找其“意义”而非探询其“规律”。 本研究结构分为上下两篇,上篇欲从理论上给本研究予以学科定位,即将本研究归属于文化研究领域,借鉴解释人类学的理论和方法,以“人”及其“文化”创造的创造与被创造为认识论基础,从音乐人类学的特殊视角,考察“民间歌手”这一概念的外延和内涵。认为所谓的民间歌手即是那些拥有民间歌曲的、具有口头创作传统和演唱历史习惯的社会群体之中的、能够在民歌演唱中起示范作用的个别或一部分。并依据这一概括性定义对民间歌手这一特殊群体进行了类型划分。 下篇则以被笔者称之为的“传记研究法”为基本方法,以“花儿王朱仲禄”的生命历程为主线,全面考察了歌手、花儿、社会、历史、政治等一系列相互关联的诸种关系。 花儿王朱仲禄的人生历程告诉我们:丰厚的、历史...更多积淀的民间传统音乐文化,是一个民间歌手成长的必然条件;歌手幼年生活于其中的家庭环境和社会环境,对一个真正的民间歌手具有及其重要的意义;社会的动荡和变革是民间歌手脱颖的契机之一;执政政党的文艺政策和政治运动对民间音乐文化社会功能的变迁有着不可抗拒的力量,对民间歌手的个人命运起着决定性作用;民间歌手的艺术创造取决于他们生活于其中的本土文化以及由此而构成的创造主体的视域、视点、视力和视界。 朱仲禄是一个对花儿艺术有着特殊贡献的民间音乐家,从他的身上,我们看到了民间音乐鲜活的生命所在,他的一生代表着花儿艺术在历史发展过程中一个阶段的基本面貌。 在民间歌手的身上,体现着中国民间传统音乐文化那千年不绝的真正动因。

As a case study of a folk singer, the present research is aimed at an objective description and a subjective interpretation of a musical individual as positioned in the particular musico-cultural ambiance, and a perception of the relationships between the individual and the community, the synchronic environment and the diachronic evolution, and the cultural immersion and the political influence, all from a Musical anthropology perspective. The study is therefore a cultural one in its fundamental sense, to the focus is on the significance rather than any rules. The study is composed of two parts, the first being a theoretical positioning of the discipline, namely the study of an individual being positioned in the broad subject of ethnology, using all the theories and methodologies available in anthropology as well. With human and his cultural creation as the cognitive basis and the musical anthropology as its starting point, the study explores the denotation and connotation of the folk singer, maintaining that a folk singer is such that is endowed with a folk singing and oral composing tradition and is exemplifying in the whole folk singing community. A categorization of the folk singing is conducted based on this definition. The second part is a biographical study of the singer, Zhu Zhonglu himself, his life, from the early education up to his achievements, being the streamline of a comprehensive study of the singer, the genre, the social, historical and political affiliations. The study concludes, after a thorough study of Maestro Zhu's life work, that a rich folk musical culture is the prerequisite of the growth of a folk singer, his early parental and communal environment is significant in fostering an individual talent, the social commotion and evolution are partly contributory to his emergence, the government policies concerning arts and the political movements are vital exterior forces that affect a singer's personal destination, and the artistic creation of the folk singer is dependent upon his native culture and the creator's own vision, perspective, insight and vista. Maestro Zhu is such an artist that he has contributed immensely to the art of Huaer, through whom is revealed the spirited vitality of the folk music and the panorama of the Huaer in its full blossom.

【关键词 (中文/英文)】 音乐人类学; 民间歌手; 花儿; 朱仲禄Musical anthropology; Folk singer; Huaer; Zhu Zhonglu

【发表年期】2003年01期 【网络出版投稿人】福建师范大学 【DOI】CNKI:CDMD:1.2002.091603