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Culture & Nature: Research on Traditional Uygur Eco-ethics

【作者】艾娣雅·买买提 【导师】阿不都克里木·热合满


【摘要 (中文/英文)】 人与自然的关系伴随着人类文明发展的每个历史阶段,历来是人类所面临而且必须予以解决的最基本问题。本论文旨在研究维吾尔传统文化中人与自然的关系。 论文结构分为导论、正文和附录三个部分。 导论部分由(一)文化视野中的维吾尔传统生态伦理:(二)研究梗概;(三)几个基本概念的解释与界定组成。 正文部分由上、下二篇共四章及综论组成。 上篇——维吾尔传统生态思想精神源流由第一章由畏天而拜与第二章由信天而敬这两章组成。其主要解决精神层面即信仰性问题。维吾尔传统生态思想精神资源具有广泛性、弥散性以及作为一种持久信仰或信念的稳定性与深刻性。它们不仅与其它思想观念以各种形式交织、组合在一起,呈现为不同的生活习俗,有与本民族民俗文化和生活方式密切结合的悠久历史。这些属于根本和终极信仰层面上的精神信念构成了人们特定文化模式的内在基础。在中华文明总格局中,维吾尔文化中自古至今关于人与自然关系的稳定成形的精神信念与相关思想都纳入此编,以期系统地梳理维吾尔传统生态伦理精神资源。由于视野、资料、论文篇幅等因素的限制,本编将集中关注那些影响面广、代表性强,与维吾尔生态民俗的形成、发展与演变密切相关的方面。 下篇——绿洲生活空间里的维吾尔传统生态伦理由第三章生命与绿洲和第四章传承与演变组成。下编以塔里木诸绿洲为范围,从现实生活切入,探讨维吾尔传统生态伦理在绿洲生活空间的实践层面——其行为构成、传承与演变。第三章以从田野调查中获得的第一手材料为主要内容结合前人收集的有关资料,在宏观梳理与微观实证、面与点相结合的基础上,围绕本研究的主旨,解析绿洲生活的主要层面,使内隐在林林总总民俗之中与人们习而不察的文化事象之中的意一义、文化深层结构凸现出来,从而显示出蕴含于民俗文化模式中的规范人与自然 关系的理念。第四章传承与演变以民俗学与生态伦理学理论为主导,探讨维吾尔 生态伦理的保存、继承与演变问题,分析显示其传统与擅变与绿洲环境变迁之间 的互动关系。 综论——绿色启示是本研究的结论部分。在前四章从文化角度论述人与自然 关系,解析维吾尔传统生态伦理的信仰性与实践性,归纳其要点,展示其整体轮 廓的基础上,围绕文化与自然的关系这一主旨,就重建绿色文明提出见解与观点。 附录部分分列出注释与本论文主要参考文献。

The fundamental issue that human society confront and have to deal with in the evolution of civilization has always being the relationship between man & nature.The dissertation aims at making a systematic study of the theme within the framework of traditional Uygur culture. The dissertation consists of an introduction,the body of the text,and appendix. There are three sections in the introduction: (a) Traditional Uygur Eco-ethics from the Cultural Perspective; (b)Briefmg on the Research; ( c ) Definitions of the Basic Concepts. The body of the text is composed of two parts with four chapters and the section of conclusion. Part 1- Ideological Resources of Traditional Uygur Eco-ethics has two chapters: Chapter 1-To Worship Nature by Awe and Chapter 2-To Respect Nature by Faith.The part focus on the ideological and spiritual strata of the theme. As faith and belief in their relationship with nature the centuries-heritaged eco-ethics of the Uygurs form the mentality of the people and the inner structure of their oasis-management culture.Therefore the part makes a relatively complete survey of the belief-system historically and ideologically. Part 2- Traditional Uygur Eco-ethics in the Life-world of Oasis is structured with Chapter 3--Life & Oasis and Chapter 4-Transmission & Transition . Oases in the Tarim Basin are selected as a target area in which the formation of eco-ethics,its transmission and transition are probed through case study and field work, revealing aspects of the interaction between human culture and the changes of oasis. Conclusion-Green Revelation. Based on the analysis and research made in the previous chapters, it is in this section that ideas are proposed pertaining to the endeavor of green civilization within human culture in their relationship with and attitude toward nature.

【关键词 (中文/英文)】 人-自然; 文化; 环境; 生态伦理 MAN-NATURE; CULTURE; ENVIRONMENT; ECO-ETNICS

【发表年期】2003年03期 【网络出版投稿人】新疆大学 【DOI】CNKI:CDMD:1.2003.080227