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The Revelry Color of the Qin and Han Dynasties Poetry

【作者】李琨 【导师】傅亚庶


【摘要 (中文/英文)】 诗歌研究一直是中国古代文学研究领域一个历久弥新的工作。中国古代的诗歌博大精深,内容丰富而且庞杂,被各朝各代的诗歌评论家们从各个角度评论着。特别是先秦两汉的诗歌——《诗经》、《楚辞》、汉乐府、《古诗十九首》等,这些诗歌几乎算是中国诗歌的源头,后代的诗歌无论是从主题、内容、形式、风格、韵律等方面,大部分都可以在先秦两汉的诗歌中找到契合点。因此,先秦两汉诗歌的重要性可见一斑。但是作为中国古代诗歌的滥觞,先秦两汉诗歌在传统的研究领域已经很难找到突破点来进行全方位的批评,在这里,我们选择了巴赫金的狂欢化理论对先秦两汉诗歌所体现的内涵进行深层次的挖掘与分析。 巴赫金的狂欢化理论近些年来也是学术界研究的一个热门话题。这个理论与以往的一些文艺理论有所区别,就是它涵盖了众多的研究领域,将文本研究置入文化学、伦理学、历史学、哲学、民俗学等范畴之中,使文学作品的内在张力得以扩大。巴赫金认为民间的狂欢文化对于高级的精神领域有着巨大的冲击作用,他在思想意识领域反对思想独白,反对教条、封闭和僵化,提倡思想的对话,张扬开放、变化和创新。在他看来,对话的思想才更有活力,独白的思想只能导致僵化。作为一种民间化的理论,其提倡的根本内涵是自由、平等、个性的张扬与不受束缚的笑。这与先秦两汉时期的诗歌内容存在着一定的偶合,当时的人们没有更多的经受封建伦理道德的约束,没有更多的所谓儒家经典的牵绊,因此自由、平等的思想体现得较为明显。这些自由、平等的思想在先秦两汉的诗歌中主要表现在两个方面,一个是先秦两汉诗歌的话语狂欢,另外还表现在先秦两汉诗歌的民俗狂欢上。 话语本身在诗歌这种艺术形式中可以分为主体性语言和客体性语言两种。话语是语言交际的单位,话语主体在讲述文本的时候,话语是其思想的直接表达。在先秦两汉的诗歌中,这些主体性语言无不显示了这些话语主体的内心感受,他们坚贞果敢的爱情话语、寻求出仕的自由话语彰显了那个时代的人们对于生活的狂欢态度。客体性语言通常来说指的是在文学作品中人物的语言。作者通过作品中的人物语言来显露内心的观点,因此客体性语言是可以表现作者主观情感的。它可以成为一种表达方式的代名词,诗歌中的赋、重章复唱、兴都能体现先秦两汉诗歌言说方式的狂欢。至于言说语言的狂欢则是通过感情强烈的问句、大胆的谩骂和诅咒以及隐语的形式来传达的。由这些话语的狂欢形式,我们可以考察出先秦两汉诗歌中所塑造的狂欢形象,这些苦闷的宣泄者、勇敢的相思者、坚毅的追求者、决绝的反抗者们将当时的狂欢形象塑造得趋于完美,展示给读者一种全……

Ancient Chinese poetry and literature has been an area of research involves work.Chinese ancient poetry is profound, rich and complex, was the poetry commentatorsin the generation of comments from all angles. Especially the Qin and Han dynastiespoetry --Book of Songs , Songs of Chu , Han YueFu ,A Collection of Ninteen AncientPoems and so on, these poems almost a source of Chinese poetry, the poetry of futuregenerations, whether from the theme, content, form, style, rhythm, etc., most can inthe pre-Qin and Han dynasties poetry find few points. Therefore, the importance ofQin and Han dynasties poetry is evident. However, as the ancient Chinese poetryindiscriminate consumers, introduction to poetry in the Qin and Han dynastiestraditional fields of study has been difficult to find a breakthrough point for all thecriticism here, we chose BaKhtin the application of theory to the Qin embodied in theHan dynasties poetry content in depth excavation and analysis. BaKhtin the application of academic theory in recent years is also a hot researchtopic. This theory and the theory of differentiated and some, is that it covers manyareas of research, the text will be placed in cultural studies science, and ethics,historical studies, philosophy, folklore, and other areas, so that the inherent tensionliterary works to expand them. BaKhtin that the promoters of a culture of the seniorcivil spiritual field has tremendous impact role, he opposed ideas in the field ofideology soliloquy against dogmatic, closed and rigid, while promoting the idea ofdialogue, play open, change and innovation. In his view, was more dynamic anddialogue, soliloquy thinking can only lead to a stalemate. As a civil-oriented theory,the fundamental meaning is to promote freedom, equality, individuality and unfetteredlaughter publicity. This introduction to the poetry of Han dynasties there is a certainperiod of coincidence, then it is no more withstand feudal ethical constraints, no moreso-called Confucian classic love, freedom, equality and expression in a more obvious.These free and equal in the introduction to the main ideas of the Han dynasties,poetry is mainly manifested in two aspects, one is the words coming Qin and Handynasties, but is also reflected in the introduction to the Han dynasties folk poetrycarnival. Words in poetry this art form itself can be divided into the object language andthe subject language. Words are language communication unit words described in themain text, the words are a direct expression of their thoughts. In the Qin and Handynasties poetry, these are all the main language of the heart that these words the mainfeeling, they love the unchangeable bold words, the freedom to seek freeman wordsdemonstrates that the times are coming to life attitude. Object language usually refers to the figure in literature, language. The author works through the figures to revealtheir views, and therefore object to the performance of the author of the language issubjective feelings. Here, the object of the expression language could be a name,poetry, given, the chapter of singing, reflecting the introduction Han dynasties Xingpoetry statement said the application form. The statement said the applicationlanguage is stifled by the strong feelings, and behind meaning bold insults and cursein the form of relay. These words from the application forms, we can study theintroduction of the Han dynasties poetry in shaping revelry image, the name of the air,brave lovesickness persons, the pursuit of perseverance and determination of theinsurgents who would then be more perfect shape Revelry image display to the readera completely new concept.Folk mentioned, we will see it and those ancient customs, cultural traditionslinked here, we will folklore and aesthetic, combine the edge of disciplines andcross-disciplinary research into the introduction to Han dynasties poetry, embodied infolk poetry by digging the social phenomenon as well as the internal situation of thesurvival of the psychological and aesthetic values. Poetry in the busy festiveatmosphere, the Shangsi festival in which men and women meet freely, alreadyFestival, Festival lovely Qiqiao daughter expressed festival rave state.Collectingproduction, hunting activities, a San sericulture revealed the application oflabour;Love customs, marriage rites, love life application demonstrates the applicationof nationality;civil dance and worship dance conveyed introduction to the revelrygames in the Qin and Han dynasties period music and dance.Qin and Han dynasties poetry words embodied revelry games and folklore, wesummed up the revelry-style features early poetry mainly in : festive carnival-typeactivities directly depicted;Carnival transplant to the ritual forms of literature;RevelryPlaza to expand the meaning in literature;Revelry time and space, often beyond theorbit of life;This dual image of a few. Games of the form is complex and diverse, hecould not stereotyped and characterization, we merely on the basis of the content oftheir poetry of Qin and Han dynasties summed up above characteristics, so as toimpart ideas from another perspective significance.Then in the application of the confucian school of poetics your world view isdemonstrated its unique place. Confucian spirit approved here by a certain impact,thus deviated from its original, and, orthodox, courteous and soliloquy, and turntoward the extreme, the orthodox edge, courtesy of indecent assault and soliloquy,dialogue. BaKhtin the application of the theory is to help us understand the Qin andHan dynasties period people live two different situations, which are two of the realpresence, albeit mutually antagonistic, but also clearly told to today's readers : This isthe original ecological ancients, this is real life.Will BaKhtin the application of theory and China's introduction in Qin and Handynasties poetry combine to dig out poetry, carnival, color, and this in the arts school level, is cultural, aesthetic, folklore, philosophy, literature is included in a unifiedsystem, in this system, introduction to Qin and Han dynasties period poetry as afollow detailed chains, connections with other segments, a series of beautiful pearls,shinning.

【关键词 (中文/英文)】 狂欢节; 狂欢化; 狂欢式; 话语; 民俗 Carnival; Revelry; Revelry -style; Words; Folk

【发表年期】2006年09期 【网络出版投稿人】东北师范大学 【DOI】CNKI:CDMD:1.2006.096388