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【作者】贯井正 【导师】邓绍基


【中文摘要】 在中国,“三国文化”是一种独特的文化现象,对中国人民的文化生活影响广泛而深远,诸葛亮的知名度之高在历史人物是名列前茅的。但是人多数中国人所熟知的诸葛亮是《三国志演义》中的艺术形象,对于真实的历史人物诸葛亮,除了学者、研究家以外,了解的人并不多。而这两种诸葛亮形象是有差距的,诸葛亮的艺术形象是经过漫长的历史演变而形成的。 陈寿的生活时代正是自蜀入晋之时,作为同时代的人,他对诸葛亮的描述应该是最接近历史事实的,是最具权威性的。陈寿在撰写《三国志》时,记载了诸葛亮的远人志向、战略眼光和高尚品德,尤其是他对诸葛亮的治国成就不惜笔墨地大加赞赏,“千古一相”的形象跃然纸上。而对于诸葛亮的军事才能却记载不多,对各项战事人多一带而过,虽然也提及他在阵法上很有造诣,“推演兵法,作八陈图,咸得其要云。”并且长于巧思,有“木牛流马”、“损益连弩”等发明,但是陈寿明确指出:“然亮才,於治戎为长,奇谋为短,理民之幹,优於将略。”意即军事奇谋并非诸葛亮所长。《三国志》中记载的历史人物诸葛亮主要是一个杰出的政治家、外交家,是一个忠臣良相,这与《三国志演义》中的神奇军师、智慧的化身的诸葛亮艺术形象差别很大。在中国悠久的历史上,各朝代的文人士大夫人都比较看重历史人物诸葛亮,他对刘氏的忠贞,他的以法治国,他的清廉利淡泊名利,他的“鞠躬尽粹、死而后已”的精神,这些都是文人士大夫所仰慕的。他们通过文章、诗歌等形式来抒发对诸葛亮的怀念和仰慕之情。特别是“鞠躬尽粹”的精神,成为中国历史上无数仁人志士的信条。 诸葛亮的艺术形象来源于民间文学。从魏晋时期开始民间已有关于诸葛亮的传说,起初,在诸葛亮刚去世不久,蜀地就流传他的事迹,但是主要还是将他作为一个贤相来怀念。后来便开始流传一些关于诸葛亮的神奇传说,如裴松之注《三国志》时引川的郭冲五事,其中就有著名的“空城计”故事。在魏、晋、南北朝时期随着志怪小说的出现和盛行,诸葛亮的形象开始被罩上神秘色彩。隋唐时期,开始出现戏剧,据北宋李昉等人编辑的小说总集《太平广记》卷二二六引《大业拾遗》记载已有以三国故事为内容的早期戏剧。在唐代,还出现了一种被称为“说话”的民间艺术形式,三国时期由于充满了各种政治、军事的矛盾与冲突,故事素材丰富,所以三国故事被广泛地讲说。在唐代的变文中也引述了“死诸葛怖生仲达”的故事以说明“刘氏重孔明”,其内容比魏晋南北朝时更加离奇,神话色彩更加浓厚,带有明显的民间传说的特点。到了宋代,“说话”发展更加成熟,成为市民阶层的社会生活中的主要民间艺术形式,有了“小说”与“平话(讲史)”等分类。其中,“平话”又有分科,“说三分”就是专门的一科。随着“平话”的普及,出现了讲说“平话”的脚本,也叫“话本”。现在所知的宋、元时代话本,哪些属于宋,哪些属于元,已经很难剖明,现存的三国文学作品的最早版本是元代的《新全相三国志平话》,但是从“说三分”在宋代的普及情况与“说 .话”这种艺术形式的流行来看,有理由相信在宋代就有同类“平话”的存在。《三国志平话》 的故事有头有尾,内容生动,在某种程度上说,不妨视之为后米的《三国志演义》的蓝本。 出于宗法观念等中国传统的道德观和其他因素,在民间传说中,“尊刘抑曹”的感情倾向是 一贯的,所以刘氏集团的人物一直受到支持与喜爱,作为刘氏集团的核心人物的诸葛亮也就 一直是民间三国故事的主人公之一。《三国志平话》的下半部主要就是描写诸葛亮的活动, 其形象不仅已表现为一个“智绝”军师,而且富有神仙道化气息,几乎是法力无边。在元代,。元杂剧中有大量的三国戏,其主题思想与“平话”是一样的“拥刘反曹”,以诸葛亮为主角 的剧目也较多。杂剧中的诸葛亮形象与“平话”很类似,一般为道士打扮,突出表现其“神 奇军师”的智谋。南宋由于国家南北分割,元代则由蒙古贵族集团统治,通过三国戏与话本, 人们借诸葛亮的神奇故事反映当时汉民族的反抗斗争心理。到了元末明初,著名文学家罗贯 中创作了《三国志通俗演义》,作品中诸葛亮是无可置疑的中心人物,完成了诸葛亮艺术形 象的塑造。《三国志通俗演义》与“平话”比起来更向历史靠近,是历史与传说的融合,但 是对于诸葛亮的描写仍然保留了大量的民间传说。罗贯中塑造的诸葛亮是一个政治、军事、 外交方面的全才,有着超人的智慧,自信而浦洒,是一个理想中的“完人”;同时,他神机 妙算,用兵如神,观星相、祭风雨,笼罩着浓厚的神秘主义色彩。《三国志通俗演义》中的。诸葛亮形象是集历朝历代人民大众的智慧而成,所以它是历代人民理想、愿望、希望的凝聚, 也反映了当时人们的历史观、道德观与审美情趣。消代毛纶、毛宗岗父于对《三国ikall俗演  

【英文摘要】 In China, "Three Kingdoms Culture" is a unique cultural phenomenon, which has a broad and profound effect upon Chinese people's cultural life. And among the historical figures in the period of Three Kingdoms, Zhuge Liang was one of the most distinctive. However, most Chinese people only know about the artistic image of Zhuge Liang in "Romance of Three Kingdoms". As for the real person in history, few people are familiar with him except for some scholars and researchers. The two images are different, and the artistic image of Zhuge Liang has developed through a long period.Chen Shou lived in the same time as Zhuge Liang, when the State of Shu was evolving into the State of Jin, so his description of Zhuge Liang should be the closest to the historical facts, and thus the most authoritative. In his "Records of the Three Kingdoms", Chen Shou depicts Zhuge's great ambition, strategic eyesight and noble moral characters, and he also spares no words on Zhuge's achievements in running the country, thus the image of "a minister through the ages" shows vividly in the writing. However, the author gives no much account of Zhuge's military talents, and for much warfare he only mentions a little, though he also speaks of Zhuge's achievements in array, such as "for deducing military methods, drawing Eight Arrays pictures, he all knew the key points"; he also mentions Zhuge's creative thinking and the invention of "wooden oxen and fluid horses, and successive crossbows". Nevertheless, Chen Shou definitely states that: "Talking about Zhuge Liang's talents, he is good at running the soldiers and the people, yet not familiar with military tricks." In the book "Records of Three Kingdoms", Zhuge Liang, as a historical figure, is an outstanding statesman, diplomat, and a loyal subject and good minister, who is much different from the artistic image of a supernatural military counselor and embodiment of wisdom depicted in "Romance of Three Kingdoms". In China's long history, Brahmins and scholar-bureaucrats of every dynasty paid much attention to the historical figure of Zhuge Liang. His loyalty to Liu's Family, his practice of managing state affairs according to the law, his incorruptibility and not seeking fame and wealth were all admired by them, especially his spirit of "sparing no effort in the performance of my duty until my death", which became the creed dogma of many people with lofty ideals in Chinese history. They wrote a lot of articles and poems to show their respect and yearn for Zhuge Liang.The artistic image of Zhuge Liang comes from folklore. From the Period of Wei and Jin Dynasties there emerged the tales about Zhuge Liang. At the beginning, shortly after Zhuge'sdeath, his stories spread among the people in the Kingdom of Shu, and people mainly commemorated him as a sagacious minister. Later on, some legends about Zhuge Liang began to appear. In the annotation of "Records of Three Kingdoms " made by Pei Songzhi, the famous story of "Strategy of Empty City" was quoted. During the period of Wei, Jin, South and North Dynasties, with the appearance and prevalence of mystery stories, the image of Zhuge Liang began to be covered with the color of mystery. During the period of Sui and Tang Dynasties, drama appeared. According to the novels anthropology "Records of Peace " edited by Li Fang in North Song Dynasty, dramas about the Three Kingdoms had appeared. In Tang Dynasty, a folk artistic form called "Tale telling" appeared, and stories of the Three Kingdoms were talked about widely for the richness of materials and all kinds of political and military contradictions and conflicts. In the "Bianwen" of Tang Dynasty, stories of how Liu's family valued Kongming were quoted, which were more bizarre and mysterious than those in the periods of Wei, Jin, North and South Dynasties and bear more characteristics of folklore. In the Song Dynasty, "Tale telling" developed more maturely and became one of the main folk artistic forms in the social life of citizens, having the classification of "novels" and  

【网络出版年期】2003年01期 【网络出版投稿人】中国社会科学院研究生院 【网络出版投稿时间】2002-12-04 【DOI】CNKI:CDMD:1.2002.124210 攻读期成果

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