


(Magic, Witchcraft, and the Spirit World, Fall 2003)

James Howe 教授










This class is concerned with the boundaries between everyday life and another order of reality, the world of spirits, powers, and mystical dangers, and with what happens when those barriers ease or break apart. Examples are drawn primarily from Europe and North America, in part to counter the assumption that belief in witchcraft and spirits is particularly associated with the non-western world. Throughout, our goal will be, not to promote or debunk belief and practice, but rather to understand them using approaches from anthropologiy and history, seeing them in social and political context and considering their place in people\'s lives.

Roughly half the semester will be devoted to spirit possession and visitation, trance, and altered states of consciousness, in particular to: snake handling and trance in Appalachia; spiritualism and mediumship in 19th century America; visitations by the Virgin Mary during 1931 in northern Spain; claims of abduction by space aliens in late 20th century America.

The other half of the semester will be devoted to fears that other people are causing harm through hidden or mystical means, and the consequences of such fears, especially moral panics. The primary examples will be great European witch hunt of the 15th-17th centuries; the Salem Village witchcraft trials of 1692; fears of satanic abuse and the daycare trials of the late 20th century, we will also look much more briefly at the practice of magic.

Historical and anthropological research on these topics has grown rapidly in recent decades, changing understandings of witchcraft and spirit possession. We will be concerned not so much with coming to absolute conclusions as with learning how to analyze belief and practice; appreciating the complexity and ambiguity of the historical record; and with weighing alternative interpretations.

There is no final exam. Students will write several essays and small research assignments over the course of the semester. We will see a number of films, as a way to consider the difficulties of dramatizing and analyzing historical events on film, as well as a source of information.There will be one afternoon field trip to the town of Danvers, the original Salem Village.


课 课程单元 阅读资料

1 简介

2 视频和讨论,灵魂控制
Videos & discussion, spirit possession 课堂读物: articles by Slyomovichs & Ong; start Covington, Sand Mountain)
Class Reader: articles by Slyomovichs & Ong; start Covington, Sand Mountain

3 电影:信奉圣灵的人们(PDF)
Film, The Holy Ghost people (PDF) Covington, all

4 讨论电影和阅读Covington(PDF)
Discuss film and Covington reading (PDF)

5 电影:心灵学的奥秘
Film, Secrets of the Psychics Braude, 急进的灵魂, 1-4章
Braude, Radical Spirits, chaps. 1-4

6 电影:死者的电报(PDF)
Film, Telegrams from the Dead (PDF) Braude, 5-8章
Braude, chaps. 5-8

7 讨论招魂说
Discuss spiritualism

8 占卜术和魔法
Divination and magic Reader,基督教
Reader, Christian

9 讨论占卜师(PDF)
Discuss Visionaries (PDF) Levack, 1-3章;reader, Briggs, "邪恶的投影"
Levack, chaps. 1-3; reader, Briggs, "Projection of Evil"

10 巫术;电影:奇怪的信仰
Witchcraft; film, Strange Beliefs Levack, 4-5章
Levack, chaps. 4-5

11 异教,千禧年学说和政治迫害;课堂报告
Heresy, millenialism & witch hunting; class reports Levack, 6章; reader, Briggs "男人对女人," Willis
Levack, chaps. 6; reader, Briggs "Men against Women," Willis

12 讨论欧洲政治迫害;课堂报告
Discuss European witch hunt; class reports

13 欧洲 2;村庄
Europe 2; villages Levack, 7-8章; Boyer & Nissenbaum, 1章
Levack, chaps. 7-8; Boyer & Nissenbaum, chap. 1

14 欧洲 3;性别;课堂报告
Europe 3; gender; class reports

15 电影:对撒拉的三大统治,第一部分
Film, Three Sovereigns for Sarah, Part I B&N, 2-5章; reader, Karlsen & Rosenthal
B&N, chaps.2-5; reader, Karlsen & Rosenthal

16 三大统治,第二部分
Three Sovereigns,part II

17 考察塞勒姆村(丹佛)(PDF)
Visit Salem Village (Danvers) (PDF) B&N, 6-8章
B&N, chaps. 6-8

18 讨论塞勒姆;课堂报告
Discuss Salem; class reports Reader, Showalter, Acocella, Rothenberg, Grann

19 塞勒姆 2;课堂报告
Salem 2; class reports

20 关于持外星生命存在态度的电影(PDF)
Film on space alien possession (PDF) Reader, Loftus & Ketcham, Ofshe &Watters

21 讨论外星生命,人格分裂(PDF)
Discuss space aliens, split personality (PDF)

22 寻找撒旦
Film, Search for Satan

23 邪恶的阴谋,苏醒的记忆
Satanic conspiracies, recovered memory

24 电影:破碎的记忆
Film, Divided Memories

25 破碎的记忆,讨论
Divided Memories, discussion

26 总结


来源:http://lucifer.fantasy.tw/cocw/m ... ourseHome/index.htm
