
【讲座预告】当代人类学讲坛(第15期):哈佛大学资深人类学家Michael Herzfeld 教授

【讲座预告】当代人类学讲坛(第15期):哈佛大学资深人类学家Michael Herzfeld 教授

哈佛大学资深人类学家Michael Herzfeld 教授将于3月29日(周五) 做以Engaged Anthropology 为主题的讲演.
时间:3月29日(周五)下午 6:30
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Michael Herzfeld, Professor

William James Hall 380 | (617) 496-5190 | e-mail

Ernest E. Monrad Professor of the Social Sciences
Curator of European Ethnology in the Peabody Museum at Harvard University

B.A. Archaeology and Anthropology, Cambridge University, 1969
M.A. Modern Greek, University of Birmingham, 1972
D.Phil. Social Anthropology, Oxford University, 1976
D.Litt. Modern Greek, University of Birmingham, 1989

Research Interests: social theory, history of Anthropology, social poetics, politics of history; Europe (especially Greece & Italy), and Thailand.


Michael Herzfeld was educated at the Universities of Cambridge (B.A. in Archaeology and Anthropology, 1969), Athens (non-degree program in Greek Folklore, 1969-70), Birmingham (M.A., Modern Greek Studies, 1972; D.Litt., 1989); and Oxford (Social Anthropology, D.Phil., 1976). Before moving to Harvard, he taught at Vassar College (1978-80) and Indiana University (1980-91) (where he served as Associate Chair of the Research Center for Language and Semiotic Studies, 1980-85, and as Chair of the Department of Anthropology, 1987-90). Lord Simon Visiting Professor at the University of Manchester in 1994, he has also taught at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (1995), Paris, at the Università di Padova (1992), the Università di Roma “La Sapienza” (1999-2000), and the University of Melbourne (intermittently since 2004), and has held a visiting research appointments at the Australian National University and the University of Sydney (1985), at the University of Adelaide, and at the Université de Paris-X (Nanterre) (1991).

Major lectures include the inaugural Distinguished Lecture in European Anthropology at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst (1996), the Munro Lecture at the University of Edinburgh (1997), the Journal of Anthropological Research Distinguished Lecture at the University of New Mexico (2001), the Einaudi Lecture at Cornell University (2004), the keynote address to the Association of Social Anthropologists of the British Commonwealth (2008), three lectures hosted by the Korea Research Foundation (2009), the Kimon Friar Lecture (Deree College, Athens, 2009), and the Eilert Sundt Lecture (University of Oslo, 2009).

His D.Litt. was awarded for a series of publications, including books and articles, that have set out his understanding of the processes at work in cultural identity construction in modern Greece.

A past president of both the Modern Greek Studies Association and the Society for the Anthropology of Europe, he was editor of American Ethnologist during 1994-98 and is now Editor at Large with specific responsibility for the feature "Polyglot Perspectives" in Anthropological Quarterly; he serves on numerous other editorial boards and is currently co-editor of “New Anthropologies of Europe” (Indiana University Press).

In addition to numerous articles and reviews, he has authored the following books: Ours Once More: Folklore, Ideology, and the Making of Modern Greece (1982), The Poetics of Manhood: Contest and Identity in a Cretan Mountain Village, Anthropology through the Looking-Glass: Critical Ethnography in the Margins of Europe (1987), A Place in History: Social and Monumental Time in a Cretan Town (1991), The Social Production of Indifference: The Symbolic Roots of Western Bureaucracy (1992), Cultural Intimacy: Social Poetics in the Nation-State (1997; a second, revised edition has just been released [2005]), Portrait of a Greek Imagination: An Ethnographic Biography of Andreas Nenedakis (1997), Anthropology: Theoretical Practice in Culture and Society (2001), The Body Impolitic: Artisans and Artifice in the Global Hierarchy of Value (2004), and Evicted from Eternity: The Restructuring of Modern Rome (2009). Several of his books have appeared, or are scheduled to appear, in other languages (Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Serbian, Croatian, Polish, and Chinese; a chapter of another has appeared in Japanese). He also filmed and produced Monti Moments: Men's Memories in the Heart of Rome (2007).

Herzfeld's field research has been funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities, the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, the National Science Foundation, the Wenner-Gren Foundation, the American Philosophical Society, the Spencer Foundation, and the American Council of Learned Societies. He was a cowinner of the Chicago Folklore Prize for 1981. He has also been awarded the J.B. Donne Prize on the Anthropology of Art (1989) and the Rivers Memorial Medal (1994) (both by the Royal Anthropological Institute, London), and the J.I. Staley Prize (by the School of American Research, 1994). In 1997 Herzfeld was elected a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

His current research activity includes completion of a book and a film about historic conservation and eviction in Bangkok and planned new research on Italin-Chinese interactions in Rome and on the profession of town planning in Italy and elsewhere.



Evicted from Eternity: The Restructuring of Modern Rome;
University of Chicago Press; March 2009.

Ours Once More: Folklore, Ideology, and the Making of Modern Greece
; Austin: University of Texas Press. 1982. Paperback reprint, Pella (New York), 1986; Greek edn., Athens: Alexandria.

The Poetics of Manhood: Contest and Identity in a Cretan Mountain Village; Princeton, N.J.:Princeton University Press. 1985. Paperback edn., 1988.

Anthropology Through the Looking-Glass: Critical Ethnography in the Margins of Europe; Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press. 1987. Paperback ed., 1989. Greek edition, Athens: Alexandria; Portuguese edition, Lisbon: Difel; Croatian edition in preparation).J.I. Staley Prize

A Place in History: Monumental and Social Time in a Cretan Town; Princeton:
Princeton University Press. 1991.

The Social Production of Indifference: Exploring the Symbolic Roots of Western Bureaucracy; Oxford:
Berg.1992. Paperback reprint,
The University of Chicago Press. 1993.

Cultural Intimacy: Social Poetics in the Nation-State; New York:

Italian edition, Naples,
L’Ancora. 2001.
2nd, revised U.S. edition. 2005. Serbian edition, Belgrade, XX Vek.

Portrait of a Greek Imagination: An Ethnographic Biography of Andreas Nenedakis;
The University of Chicago Press. 1997.

Anthropology: Theoretical Practice in Culture and Society;
Blackwell; Paris: UNESCO. 2001. Polish and Chinese editions in preparation.

The Body Impolitic: Artisans and Artifice in the Global Hierarchy of Value; Chicago:University of Chicago Press.


See Also
Andrew Shryock, ed., Off Stage/On Display: Intimacy and Ethnography in the Age of Public Culture (Stanford University Press):
click here

"Materializing Culture" series at Berg:
click here
"New Anthropologies of Europe" at Indiana University Press:
click here

Greek Study Group, Center for European Studies (Harvard):
click here

American Ethnologist review of The Body Impolitic:
click here

See another useful web page on the subject of Bangkok:
click here

Academic Publications Articles

more info: http://www.fas.harvard.edu/~anth ... pages_herzfeld.html


记得跟他一道喝咖啡时发现他到美国多年,但一直操着纯正的牛津腔。。。他是“文化亲密”概念(Culture Intimacy)的提出者,有人也译作“文化亲近”。


Cultural Intimacy: Social Poetics In The Nation-state


散议Michael Herzfeld教授之"Engaged Anthropology"

新浪博客 (2013-04-08 21:30:19)

  2013年3月29日(周五)晚上6:30,哈佛大学资深人类学教授Michael Herzfeld在复旦大学光华楼东主楼2801室高研院的“通业大讲堂”带来了题为"Engaged Anthropology"的讲座。会后,纳日碧力戈老师、朱剑锋老师和潘天舒老师分别以自身的研究视角对"Engaged Anthropology"进行了解读。

  纳日老师认为,迈克尔•赫茨菲尔德(Michael Herzfeld)提出的"Engaged Anthropology" "相当重要。过去,多数人类学者遵循客观不介入的局内观察立场,费孝通先生也曾提出“进得去,也出的来的”原则。时过境迁,随着不确定性世界的出现,风险社会的到来,伦理和美德问题突显出来,工具理性已经不能解决问题,需要有担当和参与。为弱者奔走呼吁,为他们谋取利益,已经成为人类学的重要取向。

  纳日碧力戈教授曾与潘天舒教授和邵京教授讨论如何翻译"Engaged Anthropology",似乎“参与的人类学”不够味道,而把邵京教授提出的“有担当的人类学”的“担当”和“参与”加在一起,合成“担当参与的人类学”,这个翻译似乎更加贴切。纳日老师同意赫兹菲尔德教授的评论,“担当参与的人类学”不同于“应用人类学”(applied anthropology),“应用人类学”更多的是政府和基金会组织人类学家参与,为项目把关,当地百姓并不扮演主要角色,他们只是次要的“利益相关者”。”

  在朱老师看来,Michael Herzfeld 提出的"engaged anthropology"中人类学家的engagement在我看来是人类学的灵魂,它体现的是我们对自己研究对象的最基本的尊重和人文关怀。只做壁上观的人类学家不是真正意义上的人类学家。朱老师特别赞同Herzfeld教授的一个论点,真正的engagement并不是对自己研究对象所有的观点和行为都无反馈的赞同,当我们真正尊重他们的时候,我们会与他们分享自己的观念和对事物的理解。这是一个方法论问题,同时也涉及到研究的伦理问题。“当我们进入田野,观察,纪录并分析着我们研究对象的时候,当我们把田野数据进行分析和发表的时候,当我们的职业生涯依赖着他们的故事得以发展的时候,我们是不是也曾经反思自己为他们做了些什么?对他们的贡献在哪里?这些基本的伦理问题一直深深地萦绕着我”。朱老师表示,她不欣赏不负责任只抓所谓“社会热点”问题的“抢眼球”式的研究课题,“如果对我们的研究对象不能做到engage,又何谈empathy?没有empathy?怎么可能有真正的人类学研究?如果只是去搜集资料,发展自己的学术事业,而对自己的研究对象缺少起码的担当和责任,这种做学问的道德基础真的很值得质疑。”朱老师所理解的engaged anthropology不是一种和其他诸如文化人类学,语言人类学,医学人类学并行的人类学分支,而是指导我们从事人类学研究的一种认识论和方法论。

  Michael 说过,批评和质疑是对同事/同行(含师生关系)最好的尊重方式。而潘老师作为当年在Herzfeld教授“民族志案例批评阅读”课(Critical Readings in Ethnography) 有关无数“屈辱”经历(如连续三周被点到做主持或总结或概述发言)的学生,这次做评议人似乎是有了一次合理“报复”的机会。潘老师首先想到的是Engaged Anthropology 作为理念固然令人向往,但如何在不同的田野语境中践性(即“落地”)的问题。与此相关的另一伦理困境是,作为一名哈佛教授,他要采取何种策略和立场才能避免被当事人(如在罗马和曼谷因城市改造和住宅拆迁过程中被迫迁移的居民)过度利用或操纵摆布的命运。

  然而对于像Michael 这样在四十年间辗转于希腊、意大利和泰国三地并且正在把研究触角指向中国的全能型人类学家来说,这一担心可能是多余的。就像他的挚友 Rubie & Woody Watson 一样,Michael 与田野所在地的关系从来不会因为研究的告一段落而停止。他的1985年获奖民族志作品 The Poetics of Manhood 被翻成希腊语出版之后,在克里特岛牧羊人中产生了意想不到的效应。以“偷羊交友”(We steal to make friends) 为豪的村民,常常为雅典精英知识分子们所忽视和轻侮,却在哈佛教授那里得到了经得住时间考验的尊重、欣赏和友情。可以说,Michael 的engagement 方式因时因地因人的不同,会有不同的方式来体现他勇于担当和负责任的道德立场。
