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  作者:联合国教科文组织 | 中国民俗学网   发布日期:2017-12-02 | 点击数:5653


Culture of Jeju Haenyeo (women divers), Republic of Korea    © Haenyeo Museum, 2004


      委员会由《教科文组织保护非物质文化遗产公约》(2003年)的24个缔约国代表组成,每年举行一次会议。它监测175个批准了这一法律文书、并将非物质遗产保护纳入其国家立法的国家的执行情况。 《公约》已有14年的历史,使107个国家保护了140个遗产项目。








Tim Curtis采访视频




      教科文组织新闻办公室,Lucía Iglesias Kuntz,l.iglesias@unesco.org. 电话: +33 (0) 145 68 17 02 ; +33 (0) 6 80 24 07 29.

      教科文组织新闻办公室,Agnès Bardon, a.bardon@unesco.org. 电话:+33 (0) 1 45 68 17 64, +33 (0) 6 80 24 13 56.

Song, dance, celebrations and traditional know-how on the agenda for the Intangible Heritage Committee in the Republic of Korea

      The Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage will meet from 4 to 9 December on Jeju Island (Republic of Korea) and will be chaired by H.E. Mr Byong-hyun Lee, Ambassador and Permanent Delegate of the Republic of Korea to UNESCO.

      The Committee, made up of the representatives of 24 States Parties to the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (2003), meets once a year. It ensures the implementation of this legal instrument, which has been ratified by 175 States who have integrated the safeguarding of intangible heritage into their national legislation. In its 14 years of existence, the Convention has led 140 safeguarding living heritage projects in 107 countries.

      During this session, the Committee will discuss topics including intangible cultural heritage situations of emergency, the impact of the Convention and the use of resources from the Intangible Cultural Heritage Fund. Three requests for International Assistance, filed by Colombia, Uganda and Zambia, will be examined to finance projects for the safeguarding of intangible heritage.

      The Committee will also decide upon six requests for inscription on the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding, as well as 34 requests for inscription on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

      In addition, three projects have been proposed for the Register of Good Safeguarding Practices, which seeks to highlight the projects, programmes and activities which best reflect the objectives of the 2003 Convention.

      For the first time, an element – Xoan singing of the Phú Thọ province (Viet Nam) – which has been inscribed on the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding in 2011, could be withdrawn and inscribed on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

      The List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding features elements of living heritage whose viability is considered under threat. There are currently 47 elements inscribed on this List, which allows State Parties to the Convention to mobilize the necessary international cooperation and assistance to strengthen the transmission of these cultural practices, in agreement with the concerned communities.

      The following elements have been proposed this year:

      Botswana: Dikopelo folk music of Bakgatla ba Kgafela in Kgatleng District

      Colombia; Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of): Colombian-Venezuelan llano work songs

      Mongolia: Mongolian traditional practices of worshipping the sacred sites

      Morocco: Taskiwin, martial dance of the western High Atlas

      Turkey: Whistled language

      United Arab Emirates: Al Azi, art of performing praise, pride and fortitude poetry

      There are currently 365 elements inscribed on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. It seeks to enhance visibility for the traditions and know-how of communities without recognizing standards of excellence or exclusivity.

      The nominations for 2017 for the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity are:

      Armenia - Kochari, traditional group dance

      Azerbaijan - Dolma making and sharing tradition, a marker of cultural identity

      Bangladesh - Traditional art of Shital Pati weaving of Sylhet

      Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - Ritual journeys in La Paz during Alasita

      Bosnia and Herzegovina - Konjic woodcarving

      Bulgaria; The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia; Republic of Moldova; Romania - Cultural practices associated to the 1st of March

      Côte d’Ivoire - Zaouli, popular music and dance of the Guro communities in Côte d’Ivoire

      Cuba - Punto

      Germany - Organ craftsmanship and music

      Greece - Rebetiko

      India - Kumbh Mela

      Indonesia - Pinisi, art of boatbuilding in South Sulawesi

      Iran (Islamic Republic of) - Chogān, a horse-riding game accompanied by music and storytelling

      Iran (Islamic Republic of); Azerbaijan - Art of crafting and playing with Kamantcheh/Kamancha, a bowed string musical instrument

      Ireland - Uilleann piping

      Italy - Art of Neapolitan ‘Pizzaiuolo’

      Kazakhstan - Kazakh traditional Assyk games

      Kyrgyzstan - Kok boru, traditional horse game

      Lao People’s Democratic Republic - Khaen music of the Lao people

      Malawi - Nsima, culinary tradition of Malawi

      Mauritius - Sega tambour of Rodrigues Island

      Netherlands - Craft of the miller operating windmills and watermills

      Panama - Artisanal processes and plant fibers techniques for talcos, crinejas and pintas weaving of the pinta’o hat

      Peru - Traditional system of Corongo’s water judges

      Portugal - Craftmanship of Estremoz clay figures

      Saudi Arabia - Al-Qatt Al-Asiri, female traditional interior wall decoration in Asir, Saudi Arabia

      Serbia - Kolo, traditional folk dance

      Slovakia - Multipart singing of Horehronie

      Slovenia - Door-to-door rounds of Kurenti

      Switzerland - Basel Carnival

      Tajikistan - Falak

      The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia; Turkey - Spring celebration, Hıdrellez

      Turkmenistan - Kushtdepdi rite of singing and dancing

      Viet Nam - The art of Bài Chòi in Central Viet Nam

      The Register of Good Safeguarding Practices currently includes 17 projects. The proposals to be examined this year are:

      Belgium: Remembrance education and safeguarding the Last Post Ceremony at the Menin Gate Memorial in Ypres, City of Peace

      Bulgaria: Bulgarian Chitalishte (Community Cultural Centre): practical experience in safeguarding the vitality of the Intangible Cultural Heritage

      Uzbekistan: Margilan Crafts Development Centre, safeguarding of the atlas and adras making traditional technologies


      The Committee meeting will take place in the International Convention Centre (IC Jeju), Jeju Province, Republic of Korea

      For more information and webcast: https://ich.unesco.org/en/12com

      Press ressources: https://ich.unesco.org/en/12com-press

      Media contacts:

      Lucía Iglesias Kuntz, UNESCO press service, l.iglesias@unesco.org (link sends e-mail). Tel: +33 (0) 145 68 17 02 ; +33 (0) 6 80 24 07 29.

      Agnès Bardon, UNESCO press service, a.bardon@unesco.org (link sends e-mail). Tel: +33 (0) 1 45 68 17 64, +33 (0) 6 80 24 13 56.

      Follow the meeting on Twitter: @unesco, #IntangibleHeritage #12COM

  文章来源:联合国教科文组织官网 2017-11-24

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