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标题: [汪志国]自然灾害重压下的乡村 [打印本页]

作者: luody    时间: 2008-10-30 21:27     标题: [汪志国]自然灾害重压下的乡村


The Countryside Afflicted with Natural Disasters   

【作者】汪志国 【导师】曹幸穗; 惠富平


【摘要 (中文/英文)】 安徽素有“多灾省”之称,一方面,自然灾害种类多,另一方面,自然灾害出现频繁。在各类自然灾害中,除了天文灾害、地质灾害中的火山爆发和海啸灾害以外,其余灾害在近代安徽都出现过,主要有干旱、洪涝、寒潮、连阴雨、暴雨、冰雹、龙卷风、干热风、台风、霜害、地震、病虫害等。历史上,安徽是一个自然灾害频发的省份,近代以降,自然灾害更是连年不断。在国民经济的各个部门中,农业受自然灾害的束缚和影响最为严重。而安徽是一个农业大省,不仅农业历史悠久,而且农业经济在国民经济中所占比重很大。因此,考察研究自然灾害重压下近代安徽的农业经济、农村社会、农民生活状态以及官府和民间的灾荒应对机制,对建设安徽新农村,构建农村和谐社会,无疑具有十分重大现实意义。 学术界对历史时期,尤其是近代安徽自然灾害的研究,除了一些专题性的资料整理与学术研讨外,主要是散见于全国性自然灾害史的研究成果中。其研究至少有4个方面的不足,即从时间上看,研究古代安徽灾害史的成果较多,而近代安徽灾害史的成果偏少;从空间上看,研究淮河流域灾害史的成果较多,而研究长江流域灾害史成果较少,而把安徽全境作为研究对象的成果更少;从研究内容上看,安徽灾害史研究主要侧重于灾害史一般性的描述,而自然灾害与乡村社会之间互动关系的研究相当薄弱;从研究方法来看,安徽灾害史研究,自然科学的研究方法运用较多,社会科学的研究方法运用较少,将两种的理论与方法相结合,研究安徽灾害史的成果更不多见。因此,尽力填补这些研究之不足,正是本选题的学术价值之所在,也是本论文努力的学术目标。 本论文以1840年至1949年安徽自然灾害与乡村社会作为研究对象,探讨自然灾害及其打击下的农业经济、农村社会危机与冲突、农民的生存环境与生活状况,以及官府与民间的灾荒应对机制与救荒措施。研究以辩证唯物主义与历史唯物主义为指导,以历史学的实证考察为基本工作方法,理论与实证相结合,综合运用比较分析法、计量研究法、归纳研究法等,同时,还借助于灾害学、生态环境学、灾害经济学、农业经济学、农村社会学、灾害社会学、人口学、民俗学等学科的理论与方法,在广泛收集和占有历史文献资料的基础上,将历史问题与现实问题贯通,构建研究体系。在结构安排上,以整体研究与个案研究相结合,既有对近代自然灾害打击下乡村社会的整体描述,又有典型性灾害的个案分析;在行文过程中,以文字叙述和图表表述相结合。本论文9章,大体可分5个部分。其主要内容如下……

Anhui used to be referred as a province of disasters, on one hand, for its diverse natural disasters and the frequent occurrences of natural disasters on the other. Almost all types of disasters except the astronomical disasters and such geological ones as volcanoes and sea-storms have ever stricken Anhui Province in the modern history, among which there are droughts, floods, cold wave, rainy weather for many days running, rainstorms, hails, hurricanes, typhoons, frosts, earthquakes and plant diseases and insect pests. In history, Anhui is a province where the occurrences of disasters were frequent. Especially in modern history, the occurrences are even more frequent and serious. Among the branches of national economy, agriculture suffers the greatest from the affects of natural disasters. Furthermore, Anhui is an agricultural province, not just for its long history of agriculture but also for the fact that agriculture plays a major part in its national economy. Hence, it is undoubtedly of great magnificence to have a survey and probe into Anhui's agricultural economy, countryside society and farmers' living standards under the impacts of natural disasters in the modern history and the countermeasures (both governmental and nongovernmental), thus constructing a new and harmonious countryside society. The academic research of Anhui's natural disasters, especially in modern history, is, to the great extent, scattered among the research papers and documents of national disasters. By combing through these papers and documents, we found at least four disparities. Firstly, the studies of disasters in ancient Anhui are relatively more, but the studies of disasters in modern history are insufficient. Secondly, the studies of disasters along the Huai River are relatively more, but less about the disasters in the Yangtze River Valley, even less about the disasters in other parts of Anhui. Thirdly, the studies of disaster history in Anhui focused on the general accounts of its disaster history but insufficient about the interplay of disasters and the countryside society. Finally, the studies of disasters in Anhui were mostly undertaken from the angle of natural science, but less from the angle of social science, even less from both. Given those above, this dissertation is being done with an effort to make up for these disparities. And it is also where the academic value of the dissertation lies in.

【关键词 (中文/英文)】 近代安徽; 自然灾害; 乡村社会 Modern Anhui; Natural Disasters; Rural Society

【发表年期】2007年02期 【网络出版投稿人】南京农业大学 【DOI】CNKI:CDMD:1.2007.010290

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