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标题: [于在照]越南汉诗与中国古典诗歌之比较研究 [打印本页]

作者: luody    时间: 2009-1-31 12:26     标题: [于在照]越南汉诗与中国古典诗歌之比较研究

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【作者】于在照 【导师】陈继章


【摘要 (中文/英文)】 越南汉诗是越南汉文学重要的组成部分,在越南古代文学史上占据着显著的地位。越南汉诗在越南国土上得到了系统、全面的发展,产生了大量的诗人和难以数计的诗篇,取得了卓越的成就。越南汉诗在越南古代文学史上的繁荣是受容中国古典诗歌的结果。越南汉诗受容中国古典诗歌有着深刻的历史、文化和民族文学审美心理原因。在接受中国古典诗歌巨大影响的同时,越南汉诗还深受越南民族文化和民族文学的影响,体现了丰厚的民族文化内涵和浓郁的民族文学特色。 本论文共分六章:绪论、越南汉诗概论、越南汉诗受容中国古典诗歌之表现、越南汉诗受容中国古典诗歌之原因、越南汉诗之民族文学特质和结语。 第一章绪论。本部分阐明了越南汉文学在越南古代文学史上的地位,阐述了包括汉诗在内的越南汉文学的研究现状,说明了本论文的研究方法和研究意义。中国、越南以及世界上一些国家的文学界对越南汉文学的研究取得了可喜的成果。但到目前为止,对越南汉诗的形成、发展进行系统研究的成果不多,对越南汉诗与中国古典诗歌之关系进行全面、深入、宏观加微观比较研究的成果更是凤毛麟角。我们本着严谨求实的态度,依据大量翔实的文学史料,力求借鉴、使用当今中外文学理论界的一些最新研究成果和研究方法,遵循历史唯物主义的文学和美学观,科学和恰当地运用各种比较文学理论,将比较文学历史的、实证的方法与审美的、批评的方法有机结合,将比较文学的渊源说与其他学说有机结合,将比较文学的文类学、主题学和形象学等理论方法有机结合。同时,我们从文学与历史、文学与文化、文学与美学、文学与心理学等跨学科的角度,把越南汉诗与中国古典诗歌的比较置于越中两国历史、文化、社会和民族文学审美心理等的视阈下,对两者的关系进行全方位、系统的比较研究。本文的研究是东方文学视野中域外汉文学的前沿研究领域之一,具有较高的学术价值和一定的现实意义。 第二章越南汉诗概论。本部分论述了越南汉诗的发展演变。公元10世纪至12世纪为越南汉诗的发轫期。13世纪至14世纪为越南汉诗的兴盛时期。15世纪至17世纪越南汉诗进入了全面繁荣的局面,这一时期,越南汉诗内容广泛,风格流派丰富多样,诗歌艺术成就斐然。18世纪至19世纪中叶为越南汉诗的新发展时期。越南汉诗的五、七言绝句、律诗经过8个世纪的发展,取得了巨大成就,到18世纪这些诗歌形式在越南诗坛上已经是盛极而衰,而汉文短篇、长篇叙事诗却异军突起,成为这一阶段汉诗发展的最大亮点。19世纪中叶到20世纪初期为越南汉诗从昌盛走向式微的时期。20世纪20年代以后是越南汉诗的衰亡时期。随着越南汉文科举考试和汉字的废除,随着越南拉丁化国语开始普遍为人们所接受并应用于文学创作,越南汉诗开始退出越南文坛。 第三章越南汉诗受容中国古典诗歌之表现。越南汉诗受容中国古典诗歌表现在:一、越南汉诗对中国古典诗歌内容的仿效。与中国古典诗歌一样,儒教的“忠”、“孝”、“仁”、“义”和忧国忧民等思想内容大量出现在越南汉诗中,成为越南汉诗的基本主题之一;佛教、道教均程度不同地影响了越南汉诗的创作内容;山水、田园等自然风光也是越南汉诗所乐于表现的内容。二、越南汉诗对中国古典诗歌体裁的采用。中国古典诗歌中的五绝、五律、七绝、七律、五、七言古风等各种诗体在越南汉诗中几乎都有运用。三、越南汉诗对中国古典诗歌艺术手法的借鉴。越南诗人把中国古典诗歌寓情于景、虚实结合、动静结合和托物言志等艺术手法引进自己的汉诗创作中并灵活运用。四、越南汉诗对中国古典诗歌词语、典故的借用。越南汉诗借用了大量中国古典诗歌的词语、典故。五、越南汉诗对中国古典诗歌风格的模仿。越南汉文诗人对李白、杜甫和白居易等中国古代诗人诗歌风格模仿的痕迹是极其明显的。六、越南汉诗理论对中国古典诗歌理论的承袭。越南汉诗理论源自中国古典诗论,是对中国古典诗论的承袭和诠释。 第四章越南汉诗受容中国古典诗歌之原因。越南汉诗受容中国古典诗歌有三个原因:一是历史原因。越南与中国长期、密切和特殊的历史交往关系以及在这历史进程中两地、两国全方位、多层次的交流是越南汉诗受容中国古典诗歌的开山之石,为汉诗在越南的持续发展不断注入“源头活水”。二是文化原因。以儒、释、道为中心的中国传统文化以及中国传统文化与越南本土文化结合而形成的混合文化是越南汉诗受容中国古典诗歌的深厚底蕴,其肥沃的土壤和丰富的养分孕育了越南汉诗的根深叶茂和茁壮成长。越南汉诗受容中国古典诗歌的过程中,儒教影响了越南汉文诗人的世界观和创作思想,培养了越南诗人重视诗歌创作、搜集和整理的学术传统;越南汉文教育和科举制度为越南汉诗受容中国古典诗歌创造了社会和文化环境,提供了人才条件,推动了越南汉诗体裁及其艺术技巧的成熟;佛教在越南汉诗受容中国古典诗歌过程中对越南汉诗的发轫发挥了重要的推动作用;道教在越南汉诗受容中国古典诗歌过程中对越南汉诗的创作内容、风格等产生了一定影响。总之,在越南汉诗发展历史上,儒、释、道分别在不同的历史阶段不同程度地影响了越南汉诗对中国古典诗歌的受容。在越南文化发展历史上,由于儒、释、道三教的互融、合流,它们又共同影响了越南汉诗对中国古典诗歌的受容。三是民族文学审美心理原因。越南民族“崇尚汉诗”的文学审美心理是越南汉诗受容中国古典诗歌的内在动力,正是这种内在动力推动了越南汉文诗人不断学习、模仿中国古典诗歌,从而推动了越南汉诗的发展。 第五章越南汉诗之民族文学特质。越南汉诗在接受中国古典诗歌巨大影响的同时,它还深受越南民族文化、民族文学的影响,体现着丰厚的民族文化内涵和深刻的民族文学特质。越南汉诗的民族文学特质表现在:一是越南汉诗内容上的扩展。相比中国古典诗歌而言,“邦交诗”和“咏史诗”的大量出现体现了越南汉诗在内容上的扩展和丰富。二是越南汉诗体裁上的创新。越南汉文诗人运用喃字六八、双七六八诗体创作汉诗,从而创作出了越南汉诗的新体裁——汉文六八体、双七六八体。三是越南汉诗叙事功能的强化。在承继中国古典诗歌叙事手法的基础上,越南汉文诗人进一步强化了汉诗的叙事功能,充分利用汉诗来记叙战乱,揭露社会黑暗,描写百姓的苦难生活,记叙爱情故事,记载历史,咏吟历史人物、事件和古迹等。四是越南汉诗对中国古典诗歌词句的演化、风格的变通。越南汉文诗人根据自己诗歌的句式、用词特点和绘景、抒情的需要对借用的中国古典诗歌的词汇、诗句进行改造和演化,在诗风模仿的基础上融会贯通、推陈出新。五是越南汉诗的民族文化内涵。越南汉文诗人用汉诗描绘越南的山水风景、风土人情,吟颂越南历史上的著名人物,挖掘、弘扬越南悠久的民间传统文化,从而使越南汉诗具有了深刻的越南民族文学特质。 第六章结语。我们对本论文的研究进行了总结。

Chinese poetry in Vietnam was an important part of Chinese literature in Vietnam. It occupied a outstanding place in the history of Vietnamese ancient literature. Chinese poetry in Vietnam had deleveped systematically and all-sidely. Chinese poetry in Vietnam had a lot of poets, writers and works. It had made great achievement. The prosperity of Chinese poetry in Vietnam is the result influenced deeply by Chinese classical poetry. Chinese poetry in Vietnam was influenced deeply by Chinese classical poetry because of the history, culture and the aesthetic psychological factor. While it was influenced deeply by Chinese classical poetry, Chinese poetry in Vietnam demonstrates a powerful particularity of Vietnamese national poetry. It also displays the profound ethos of Vietnamese national literature and her rich content of national culture. This thesis is composed of six chapters: Introduction, A Survey of Chinese Poetry in Vietnam, Demonstrations of the Influences of Chinese Classical Poetry on Chinese Poetry in Vietnam, Reasons for the Influences of Chinese Classical Poetry on the Chinese Poetry in Vietnam, Ethos of Vietnamese Literature in Chinese Poetry in Vietnam, and Conclusion. Chapter One: Introduction. This part clarifies the positions of Chinese literature and Chinese poetry in the history of Vietnamese ancient literature. It elucidates the current situation of the studies of Chinese literature in Vietnam, including Chinese poetry and illustrates the research methodologies and the significance of the study. Chapter Two: A Survey of Chinese Poetry in Vietnam. This part presents an account of the development and evolution of Chinese poetry in Vietnam. The 10th Century and the 12th Century were the burgeoning period of Chinese poetry in Vietnam, and the 13th Century and the 14 Century were the prosperous period of Chinese poetry in Vietnam. During the period between the 15th and 17th Centuries, Chinese poetry reached its apex of flourish. From the 18th Century to the mid-19th Century was a period of a new development of Chinese poetry in Vietnam. From the mid-19th Century to the early 20th Century was a period when Chinese poetry started to decline in Vietnam. The period following the 1920s saw the withering of Chinese poetry in Vietnam. Chapter Three: Demonstrations of the Influences of Chinese Classical Poetry on Chinese Poetry in Vietnam. Influences of Chinese Classical Poetry on Chinese Poetry in Vietnam are demonstrated in the following aspects: 1. Chinese poetry in Vietnam imitates the content of Chinese classical poetry; 2. Chinese poetry in Vietnam adopts the formats of Chinese classical poetry; 3. Chinese poetry in Vietnam borrows the artistic methodology of Chinese classical poetry; 4. Chinese poetry in Vietnam borrows words and literary quotations from Chinese classical poetry; 5. Chinese poetry in Vietnam copies the styles of Chinese classical poetry; 6. The theories of Chinese poetry in Vietnam inherit from those of Chinese classical poetry. Chapter Four: Reasons for the Influences of Chinese Classical Poetry on the Chinese Poetry in Vietnam. Three reasons account for the influences of Chinese classical poetry on Chinese poetry in Vietnam, and they are as follows: 1. Historical Reason: The initiation of Chinese poetry in Vietnam is due to the long-term, close and special historical contact between Vietnam and China as well as the comprehensive and profound exchanges in polity, culture, and economy between the two nations. Chinese classical poetry is the source of Chinese poetry in Vietnam. 2. Cultural Reason: Traditional Chinese culture with its bedrock on Confucianism, Buddhism, and Daoism and the intermingled cultures serve as a profound foundation for the acceptance of the influence from Chinese classical poetry and the development of Chinese poetry in Vietnam. In the process of the assimilation of Chinese classical poetry into Chinese poetry in Vietnam, Buddhism has provided a significant propelling effect for the boost of Chinese poetry in Vietnam. Daoism has exerted a substantial influence on the content and style of Chinese poetry in Vietnam in the process of the assimilation of Chinese classical poetry into the Chinese poetry in Vietnam. By and large, in the history of Chinese poetry in Vietnam, Confucianism, Buddhism, and Daoism have exerted their respective influences, in varied extents, on the assimilation of Chinese classical poetry into the Chinese poetry in Vietnam in different periods. Chapter Five: Ethos of Vietnamese Literature in Chinese Poetry in Vietnam. Chinese poetry in Vietnam is profoundly influenced by Chinese classical poetry. In the meantime, it is also deeply influenced by the national culture and literature of Vietnam and demonstrates a powerful particularity of Vietnamese national poetry. It also displays the profound ethos of Vietnamese national literature and her rich content of national culture. Chapter Six:Conclusion. We make a summary of the studies on the subject.

【关键词 (中文/英文)】 越南汉诗; 中国古典诗歌; 比较研究; 受容; 原因; 越南民族文学特质

【发表年期】2008年04期 【网络出版投稿人】中国人民解放军外国语学院 【DOI】CNKI:CDMD:1.2008.034068 攻读期成果

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