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标题: [MIT-OOPS]社会理论分析:麻省理工开放式课程 [打印本页]

作者: silver    时间: 2009-1-2 04:26     标题: [MIT-OOPS]社会理论分析:麻省理工开放式课程

MIT OOPS  人類學 »  2004秋季課程:社會理論分析

21A.750J / STS.250J 2004秋季課程:
社會理論分析(Social Theory and Analysis, Fall 2004)




Michael M. J. Fischer 教授  


麻省理工學院開放式課程認可 開放式課程計畫(OOPS)的翻譯計畫,開放式課程計畫(OOPS)乃是運用其獨立團隊、獨立資源、獨立流程進行翻譯計畫之團隊。


此處麻省理工學院開放式課程之資料乃由 開放式課程計畫(OOPS) 譯為正體中文。麻省理工學院開放式課程在此聲明,不論是否遭遇或發現相關議題,麻省理工學院開放式課程、麻省理工學院教師、麻省理工學院校方並不對翻譯正確度及完整性作保證。上述單位並對翻譯後之資料不作明示或默許對任一特定目的之適合性之保證、非侵權之保證、或永不出錯之保證。麻省理工學院校方、麻省理工學院開放式課程對翻譯上之不正確不負任何責任。由翻譯所引發任何關於此等資料之不正確或其他瑕疵,皆由開放式課程計畫(OOPS)負全責,而非麻省理工學院開放式課程之責。



一名伊朗女工程師正用相機為她的第六屆國際機器人足球賽參賽隊拍攝。大賽的標誌從日本福岡體育館圓屋頂的聚光燈投射到了她的紗罩上(圖片承蒙Michael M.J. Fischer教授提供。)

An Iranian woman engineer using a video camera to film her team in the 6th International robotic soccer competitions. The logo of those competitions are projected onto her chador from a spotlight in the Fukuoka, Japan, sports dome. (Image courtesy of Prof. Michael M.J. Fischer.)



This course features an extensive reading list, along with assignments and study materials.


本課程介紹了19世紀至今社會學理論發展概況。主要包括:(a)社會學理論產生的社會基礎;(b)早期理論在當前情況下的意義和局限;(c)當代新社會學理論的產生; (d)科學技術作為社會制度所依賴的基礎設施,而被形塑並形塑自身。

This course presents a survey of social theory from the 19th century to the present. The focus is on (a) the social grounds from which the theory arises; (b) the utility and limitations of older theories for current conditions; (c) the creation of new theory out of contemporary conditions; (d) sciences and technologies as the infrastructures upon which social institutions depend, are shaped, and shape.
作者: silver    时间: 2009-1-2 04:28





1. 社會學理論傳統:首先產生於19世紀政治經濟學家之中(本課程介紹馬爾薩斯(Malthus)和馬克思),經典社會學產生於19世紀末20世紀初(韋伯(Weber)、涂爾幹(Durkheim)、茅斯(Mauss)、佛洛依德(Freud),20世紀中期社會文化人類學——社會組織和機構比較問題;文化、符號、結構主義理論(本課程主要介紹吉爾茨(Geertz)、拉維.施特勞斯(Levi-Strauss)),以及20世紀晚期努力迎接來自電腦、 分子生物學和社會生態學認識變革的挑戰(李歐塔(Lyotard)、貝克(Beck)、德裡達(Derrida)、卡斯泰爾斯(Castells)、奈格利(Negri)等)。

人種學傳統:(雖然已有許多先驅)在英國,始於馬林諾夫斯基和雷克夫.布朗(Radcliffe-Brown),在美國,則始於博厄斯(Boas)、米德(Mead)、派克(Park)和路德菲爾德(Redfield),之後一直有各種各樣的再造。此一獨特人種學傳統(或者說是一系列傳統)導致了有啟發價值的社會理論之產生,利用(核對總和論證)社會理論傳統,並主張建立經驗性的、比較性的新理論,並關注語言文化形成的不同社會,同時也關注本土社會結構和在全球系統中的融入(和衝突)狀況。 當馬林諾夫斯基(Malinowski)和雷克夫.布朗對付更大的殖民制度時,他們也同時關注除歐洲君主制國家出現之社會契約理論外,的政治理論重建問題,以禮物交換理論作為一個重要工具,或者對不同血族關係制度中,婚姻穩定性的比較研究(同時,還介入婚姻法改革的公眾討論)。當博厄斯和克魯依博(Kroeber)的學生研究另外一種殖民主義形式(關於美國印第安人專用地),他們還開創了心理人類學方法。同時芝加哥學派社會學和人類學(派克和路德菲爾德)則開創了種族劃分、移入和移出居民研究、群落研究和比較文明研究。 在20世紀中期,列維.施特勞斯的結構主義成為主要公認的角色,作為向語言學和控制論的明顯轉向,但這是基於對早期人類學家所收集的人種學檔案之精密再分析,並對古典希臘研究(「西方文明的基礎」)變革產生影響。同時,科利弗德.吉爾茨(Clifford Geertz)和芝加哥的符號和解釋人類學讓語言學的形式主義有所緩和,產生了新的重要的人種研究文獻(在《作為文化批評的人類學》中有部分評論)。過去20年的人種學已成為後現代主義形式之棘手和充滿爭辯的新興社會理論,並日益為電腦網路社會、生命科學革命和環境問題作出了特殊貢獻。

科學研究傳統:始於路德維格.弗萊克(Ludwig Fleck)之近乎涂爾幹式的解釋︰在醫學科學中,事實是如何被產生和穩定下來(湯瑪斯•庫恩(Thomas Kuhn)在其被廣泛引用的著作《科學革命的結構》中,試圖用物理學加以改編和歸納)。工程學校的科學、技術和社會課程,逐漸產生了規定要在課程中加入社會背景知識。在20世紀70年代在英國、法國、荷蘭、斯堪的納維亞、德國和其他國家開始出現追溯到十七世紀歷史的「新社會學」。大量人種學的人類學研究方式,始於拉托爾(Latour)和武加(Woolgar)的《實驗生命》,沙龍•察韋克斯(Sharon Traweek)的《光束時間和生命時間》,和保羅•雷比諾(Paul Rabinow)的《PCR技術》。













Table for Grading
專案內容         百分比
課堂參與         50%
課堂討論組織     25%
讀後論文         25%


作者: silver    时间: 2009-1-2 04:29

This course is designed around three interlocking traditions of social inquiry:

The tradition of social theory that begins with the political economists of the 19th century (in the course, with Malthus and Marx) and classical sociology at the turn of the twentieth century (Weber, Durkheim, Mauss, Freud), mid-century social and cultural anthropology -- questions of comparative social organization and social structure; and cultural, symbolic, structuralist interpretation (in the course, mainly Geertz and Levi-Strauss), and late twentieth century efforts to come to grips with the changes wrought by the third industrial revolution of computers, molecular biology, and ecological understanding (Lyotard, Beck, Derrida, Castells, Negri, et al.).

The tradition of ethnography that begins (albeit with many precursors) with Malinowski and Radcliffe-Brown in Britain, and Boas, Kroeber, Mead, Park and Redfield in the U.S. and has been undergoing various reinventions ever since. This particular tradition (or set of traditions) of ethnography has always been oriented towards the production of heuristically valuable social theory, drawing upon -- testing and contesting -- the social theory tradition, and claiming to build new theory empirically, comparatively, with attention to different worlds that languages and cultures produce, as well as to local social structures and their embedded (and conflictual) position in global systems. While Malinowski and Radcliffe-Brown contended with the larger colonial systems, they were also concerned for instance to rebuild political theory on other than social contract theory emerging out of European monarchical states, using gift exchange theory as one important tool, or producing comparative studies of marriage stability in different kinds of kinship systems (and intervening in public debates over marriage law reform). While Boas and Kroeber's students dealt with another form of colonialism (vis-a-vis American Indian reservations), they also pioneered a tradition of psychological anthropology, and meanwhile Chicago School sociology and anthropology (Park, Redfield) pioneered ethnicity, migration and immigrant studies, community studies, and comparative civilization studies. In mid-century, Levi-Strauss' structuralism played a major public role as part of a broad turn to linguistics and cybernetics, but based upon a close reanalysis of the ethnographic archive collected by earlier anthropologists, and had a transforming effect also upon classical Greek studies ("the foundation of western civilization"). Meanwhile Clifford Geertz and Chicago's symbolic and interpretive anthropology took the linguistic turn in a less formalist direction, producing a significant new corpus of ethnographic work (partly reviewed in Anthropology as Cultural Critique). In the last twenty years ethnography has been testing-contesting the social theory of the emergent forms of postmodernities, and increasingly becoming a distinctive contributor to the studies of computer-networked society, the life sciences revolutions, and environmental issues.

The tradition of science studies that begins with Ludwig Fleck's almost Durkheimeian account of how facts are created and stabilized in medical science (that Thomas Kuhn was to adapt and generalize to physics in his widely cited The Structure of Scientific Revolutions). Science, technololgy and society programs grew institutionally in engineering schools with the desire to add social context to the curriculum. In the 1970s a "new sociology of science" with historical interests back to the seventeenth century began to emerge in England, France, Holland, Scandinavia, Germany, the U.S. and elsewhere. A spate of anthropological style ethnographies of science began with Latour and Woolgar's Laboratory Life, Sharon Traweek's Beamtimes and Lifetimes, and Paul Rabinow's Making PCR.
Course Strategy

The readings are set up in an alternating rhythm of theory and ethnography. We should try to read each week against the previous ones, building up a common framework and set of questions. You will get better grades (and learn more) if you weave the weeks together.

We want to ask:

How does the "social," "cultural," "political," "economic" help us understand emergent forms of life in (a) the networked world, (b) the technosciences (especially biology, biotechnology, biocapitalism), (c) our environmental and ecological lives. (Consider for example, not only how biology is being reorganized institutionally, upsetting traditional relations between industry, government and universities, but whether biocapitalism is a new form of capitalism, and what that might mean.)

Is there magic in the contemporary world? Is there something about the symbolic (or what Haraway calls the material-semiotic) that cannot be reduced to instrumental rationality? Is fantasy, utopia, misrecognition necessary to the operation of (post)modernity?

How are technologies peopled? and what effect does that have on the technologies, their use, their development, and how can we use this in planning, "implementation", and policy?

Are there really new ethical dilemmas posed by the fast pace of technoscientific change that cannot be addressed by past moralities? Where does morality come from? Can we identify some of these ethical dilemmas?

Do we see and judge the same way people did a hundred or two hundred years ago? Do people see and judge the same way everywhere around the globe? Do new teletechnologies and new visual technologies really make any difference to the way the world is constructed?

What is the utility of new concepts and where do or should they come from? Are traditional terms like class, race, gender, social, cultural, political economic still the most useful ones to use? What about terms like material-semiotic, cyborg, rhyzome?

What new social organizations do we need to pay attention to? Are "new social movements" (what is this term?) any different from social movements in the past? Are new organizational forms demanded by the needs (contradictions, pressures) of the breakdown of first order modernity (what's first order modernity?) or are they "voluntaristic" or matters of political consciousness raising and organizing work?
Some of you are coming to this course with past experiences that will be useful to incorporate, and perhaps even some ideas about ongoing or future research. It will make the class more interesting and more motivated if you allow us to share those interests and read the texts in this class with an eye to how they might inform or be informed by those interests.


This is a reading and discussion seminar. Two students are assigned each week to help lead the discussion. Everyone else must (and the discussion leaders may, but are not required to) write a response paper on the readings. The response papers must be circulated to the entire class at least three hours before the class meets (i.e. the night before or early in the morning of class) by email.


Class Participation 50%
Class Discussion Leading 25%
Response Papers 25%


There is no final exam for this course. Students are asked to take a "pre-test" to get a sense of what names and texts they recognize and can identify by argument, and to give them a sense of what they don't yet know that will come up in the class. There are two parts: a multiple choice identification part on the direct course subject matter; and a check list of novels, plays, and films on science, technology and society that they have read or seen, with a short answer space for adding names of other items and why they like them.
作者: silver    时间: 2009-1-2 04:30




課 課程單元
1 課程介紹和作業
Introduction and Assignments
2-3 社會的、人種學的方法和涂爾幹的挑戰
The Social, the Ethnographic Method and the Durkheimean Challenge
4-5 學科、專家社團和認識論的文化批判
Disciplines, Communities of Expertise and Epistemological Cultural Critique
6 生態學和系統:唯一你不能改變的事情
Ecology and Systems: You Can't Change Only One Thing
7 系統變革、社會構成、多歷史範圍:馬克思主義者的挑戰
System Transformation, Social Formations, Multiple Historical Horizons: The Marxian Challenge
8 在後官僚世界之意味深長的社會行為:韋伯主義者的挑戰
Meaningful Social Action in Post-Bureaucratic Worlds: The Weberian Challenge
9 媒體、文化產業和社會關係變革:法蘭克福學派的挑戰
Media, the Culture Industry, and the Transformation of Social Relations: The Challenge of the Frankfurt School
10 機構、群眾、編碼和流程:20世紀70至90年代法國「理論」的挑戰
Bodies, Multitudes, Codes and Flows: The Challenge of 1970s-90s French "Theory"
11 物質符號對象:電子人和夥伴人類學
Material-Semiotic Objects: Cyborg and Companionate Anthropologies
12 創傷、人權、人道主義事業和暴力衝突後的社會重建
Trauma, Human Rights, the Humanitarian Industry, and the Reconstruction of Society after Violent Distruction
作者: silver    时间: 2009-1-2 04:38




課 課程單元 閱讀資料

1 課程介紹和作業
Introduction and Assignments


Video: Island of Flowers.

Las Meninas/機器人外科手術系統
Las Meninas/Robotic Surgical Systems.

Drama and Alternative Narratives: Oxygen.


The Social, the Ethnographic Method and the Durkheimean Challenge

Before Class

Marcus, George E. and Michael M.J. Fischer. Anthropology as cultural critique : an experimental moment in the human sciences. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1999,  Introduction, and Chapter 1. ISBN: 0226504506.

Instructions: As you read, imagine what it would mean to apply the same methodological considerations to different subfields and disciplines of science and technology. Imagine yourself as an ethnographer of molecular biology, in the Parsons Lab for Water Resources, the Tokomak reactor, the Media Lab, the AI Lab, or a lab at MGH.

邁克爾.M.J. 費希爾,《生命存在形式和人類學觀點》,達拉謨,新赫裡多尼亞,杜克大學出版社,2003年,序言和第二章,ISBN:0822332256 說明:撰寫一頁紙的摘要,說明1986年美國文化中心檔中人類學觀點和社會學理論的差別;20年後出現的形式;它們顯示了科學、技術和社會(STS)的何種變革?
Fischer, Michael M. J. Emergent Forms of Life and the Anthropological Voice. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2003, Introduction and Chapter 2. ISBN: 0822332256.

Instructions: Write a one page abstract of the difference between the vision for ethnography and social theory in the 1986 text of ACC, and Emergent Forms twenty years later: what sort of technological, scientific, and social (STS) changes do they register?

For Discussion in Class

Durkheim's Challenge:

馬賽爾.茅斯, 《禮物:古代社會的交換職能和形式》 ,格蘭高地,伊力諾伊州,自由出版社,1954年,1-45頁和結論。
Mauss, Marcel. The gift; forms and functions of exchange in archaic societies. Glencoe, IL: Free Press, 1954, pp. 1-45 and Conclusions.


本凡尼斯特,拉維•施特勞斯,薩林斯,加斯科,德里達,奇克塞斯,伊利加萊,鮑迪爾,斯托伊科,波納斯科尼,斯翠森在 《禮物的邏輯:走向慷慨的倫理》中的評論,A. 斯瑞福特編寫,紐約,Routledge,1997,ISBN:0415910986
Commentaries by Benveniste, Levi-Strauss, Sahlins, Gasché, Derrida, Cixous, Irigaray, Bourdieu, Stoekl, Bernasconi, Strathern. In The logic of the gift : toward an ethic of generosity . Edited by A. Schrift. New York, NY: Routledge, 1997. ISBN: 0415910986.

Hollier, D. The College of Sociology. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 1988. ISBN: 0816615926.

Pearce, Frank. "A Sociology of the Sacred & Creative Collective Effervescence." In The Radical Durkheim. Toronto, Canada: Canadian Scholars' Press, 2001, Chapter 10. ISBN: 1551301695.

路德維克.弗萊克,《科學事實的起源與發展》,芝加哥,伊力諾伊州,芝加哥大學出版社,1979年,ISBN: 0226253252。
Fleck, Ludwik. Genesis and development of a scientific fact. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1979. ISBN: 0226253252.


瑪麗.道格拉斯,《制度如何思考》,錫拉丘茲,紐約,錫拉丘茲大學出版社,1986年,序言和第1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9. ISBN: 0815623690。
Douglas, Mary. How institutions think. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 1986, Introduction, and Chapters 1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9. ISBN: 0815623690.

史蒂文.舍賓和夏弗爾.西蒙,《龐然大物和打氣筒,霍布斯、波義爾和實驗生命》,普林斯頓,新澤西州,普林斯頓大學出版社,1985年,序言和第1章,ISBN: 0691083932。
Shapin, Steven and Simon Schaffer. Leviathan and the air-pump : Hobbes, Boyle, and the experimental life. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1985, Introduction, and Chapter 1. ISBN: 0691083932.


布魯諾.拉特,《我們從未達到現代化》,劍橋,麻塞諸塞州,哈佛大學出版社,1993年,第2章,ISBN: 0674948386。
Latour, Bruno. We have never been modern. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1993, Chapter 2. ISBN: 0674948386.

布魯諾.拉特,《法國的巴氏滅菌法》,劍橋,麻塞諸塞州,哈佛大學出版社,1988年,第1部分,ISBN: 0674657608.M
Latour, Bruno. Pasteurization of France. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1988, Part I. ISBN: 0674657608.

查理斯.佩羅,《正規事故:與高風險科技相伴》第二版,普林斯頓,新澤西州,普林斯頓大學出版社,1999年,最後一章,ISBN: 0691004129。
Perrow, Charles. Normal accidents : living with high-risk technologies. 2nd Ed. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1999, Last Chapter. ISBN: 0691004129.

彼得.蓋莉森,〈意外歷史事件〉,自《20世紀大氣飛行》,A 羅蘭德.蓋莉森,波士頓,馬裡蘭州,多德雷赫特出版社,2000,第3-43頁,ISBN: 0792360370。
Galison, Peter. "An Accident of History." In Atmospheric Flight in the Twentieth Century. Edited by P. Galison and A. Roland. Boston, MA: Dordrecht, 2000, pp. 3-43. ISBN: 0792360370.

伊夫.塞奇威克,〈意志流行病〉,自《合併》,J.克來瑞和S昆特,紐約,地域圖書出版,1992,第582-595頁,ISBN: 0942299299。
Sedgwick, Eve. "Epidemics of the Will." In Incorporations. Edited by J. Crary, and S. Kwinter. New York, NY: Zone Books, 1992, pp. 582-95. ISBN: 0942299299.

Ethnographic Case Studies

Organ Transplantation: Social and Classificatory

埃斯裏漢.撒內爾,〈技術無用論的「俠盜羅賓漢」或者倫理生命狀態下的器官交易〉,自 《文化、醫藥和精神病學》 總第28期,2004年第3期,第281-309頁。
Sanal, Aslihan. "'Robin Hood' of Techno-Turkey, or, Organ Trafficking in the State of Ethical Beings." In Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry 28, no 3 (2004): 281-309.

Catts, Oron, and Ionat Zurr. Tissue Culture & Art Project.

Cohen, Lawrence. "Where it Hurts: Indian Material for an Ethics of Organ Transplantation." Daedalus 128, no 4 (1999): 135-66. [Gender, Debt, & Markets]

維伊娜.達斯,〈器官移植實踐:網路、文獻、翻譯〉,自《與新醫學科技同行》,M•洛克,A•卡姆布羅西奧,A•揚,英國劍橋大學出版社,2000年,ISBN: 0521652103.(法律的文化假設)。
Das, Veena. "The Practice of Organ Transplants: Networks, Documents, Translations." In Living With New Medical Technologies. Edited by M. Lock, A. Cambrosio, A. Young. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2000. ISBN: 0521652103. [Cultural presuppositions of the law.]

萊尼•弗克斯和斯威茲.裘蒂斯,《備件:美國社會的器官移植》,紐約,哈佛大學出版社,1992年,第2、3和8章,ISBN: 0195076508(禮物專制主義)
Fox, Renee, and Judith Swazey. Spare Parts: Organ Replacement in American Society. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 1992, Chapters 2, 3, and 8. ISBN: 0195076508 ['Tyranny of the gift'.]

Immortal Cell Lines

漢娜•蘭德克,〈不朽的細胞實驗:海拉細胞學說歷史沿革〉,《生物工藝學和文化》,伯德溫.P主編,布魯明頓,印第安那大學出版社,2000年,ISBN: 0253214289。
Landecker, Hannah. "Immortality In Vitro: A History of the HeLa Cell Line." In Biotechnology and Culture. Edited by P. Brodwin. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2000. ISBN: 0253214289.

Risk, Expert Cultures, and the Public Sphere (Part I).

Douglas, Mary. Purity and danger : an analysis of concepts of pollution and taboo. London, UK: Routledge & K. Paul, 1966.

瑪麗.道格拉斯,亞倫.維達斯基,《風險和文化:科技和環境風險選擇》,伯克利,加州,加利福尼亞大學出版社,1982年,ISBN: 0520044916。
Douglas, Mary, and Aaron Wildavsky. Risk and culture : an essay on the selection of technical and environmental dangers. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1982. ISBN: 0520044916.

康斯坦斯.波林,《承擔風險:核能工業的控制文化》,普林斯頓,新澤西州,普林斯頓大學出版社,2005年,ISBN: 0691070032。
Perin, Constance. Shouldering risks : the culture of control in the nuclear power industry. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2005. ISBN: 0691070032.

黛安.沃恩,《挑戰者號發射決策:危險的科技、文化和NASA的失常》,芝加哥,伊利諾依州,芝加哥大學出版社,1996年,ISBN: 0226851753。
Vaughan, Diane. The Challenger launch decision : risky technology, culture, and deviance at NASA. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1996. ISBN: 0226851753.


Evans-Pritchard, E.E. and M. Fortes. African political systems. London, UK: Oxford university press, 1940.

Evans-Pritchard, E. E.. Witchcraft, oracles and magic among the Azande. Oxford, UK: The Clarendon Press, 1937.

馬理奧.伯奧基利,《伽利略、侍臣:絕對論文化中的科學實踐》,芝加哥大學出版社,1993,導言部分. ISBN: 0226045595。
Biagioli, Mario. Galileo, courtier : the practice of science in the culture of absolutism. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1993, Introduction. ISBN: 0226045595.

米塞爾.福柯,《事之序:關於人類科學的考古學》,紐約,萬神殿圖書,1971,ISBN: 039443952X。
Foucault, Michel. The order of things: an archaeology of the human sciences. New York, NY: Pantheon Books, 1971. ISBN: 039443952X.

彼得.加利森,《圖像和邏輯:粒子物理學的實質薰陶》,芝加哥大學出版社, 1997. ISBN: 0226279162。
Galison, Peter. Image and logic : a material culture of microphysics. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1997. ISBN: 0226279162.

Kuhn, Thomas. The structure of scientific revolutions. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1962.

布魯諾.雷特,《有效的科學:如何通過社會理解科學家和工程師》,哈佛大學出版社,1987. ISBN: 0674792904。
Latour, Bruno. Science in action : how to follow scientists and engineers through society. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1987. ISBN: 0674792904.

Durkheim (1858-1917) and L'Annales Sociologique.

Durkheim, Emile. The division of labor in society. New York, NY: Free Press, 1933.

Durkheim, Emile. Suicide, a study in sociology. Glencoe, IL: Free Press, 1951.

Durkheim, Emile. The rules of sociological method. 8th ed. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago press, 1938.

Durkheim, Emile. The elementary forms of the religious life : a study in religious sociology. London, UK: G. Allen & Unwin, 1915.

Durkheim, Emile, and Marcel Mauss. Primitive classification. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1963.

莫理斯.哈勃瓦茨,《集體記憶》,紐約Harper & Row出版社,1980. ISBN: 0060908009。
Halbwachs, Maurice. The collective memory. New York, NY: Harper & Row, 1980. ISBN: 0060908009.

Hertz, Robert. Death & The right hand. Glencoe, Il: Free Press, 1960, Introduction.

Modern Extensions:

理查.亨廷頓,梅特卡夫•彼得,《死亡的慶典:死亡儀式的人類學研究》,劍橋大學出版社, 1979. ISBN: 0521225310。
Huntington, Richard, and Peter Metcalfe. Celebrations of death : the anthropology of mortuary ritual. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1979. ISBN: 0521225310.

莫理斯.布洛赫,帕裏•喬納森,《死亡和生命重建》,劍橋大學出版社,1982. ISBN: 0521270375。
Bloch, Maurice, and Jonathan Parry, eds. Death and the Regeneration of Life. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1982. ISBN: 0521270375.

Hubert, Henri, and Marcel Mauss. Sacrifice: its nature and function. Foreward by E.E. Evans-Pritchard. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1964.

茅斯.馬賽爾,《禮物:古代社會的交換形式和功能》,自由出版社,1954, E.E.伊凡斯普裏查德轉載。
Mauss, Marcel. The gift; forms and functions of exchange in archaic societies. Glencoe, IL: Free Press, 1954, Forward: Evans-Pritchard.

茅斯.馬賽爾,《愛斯基摩人的季節變化:社會形態研究》,波斯頓,路特裏和克甘保羅出版社,1979. ISBN: 071000205X。
Mauss, Marcel. Seasonal variations of the Eskimo : a study in social morphology. Boston, MA: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1979. ISBN: 071000205X.

茅斯.馬賽爾,《社會學和心理學論文集》,波斯頓,路特裏和克甘保羅出版社,1979. ISBN: 0710088779
Mauss, Marcel. Sociology and psychology : essays. Boston, MA: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1979. ISBN: 0710088779.

Steiner, Franz Baermann. Taboo. Preface by E. E. Evans-Pritchard. Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books, 1967.

Gennep, Arnold van. The rites of passage. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1960.


V.克理潘加諾,〈歸還儀式:摩洛哥的割禮〉,發表於《社會心理分析研究》,第9期,W•繆恩斯騰柏格,博厄•L. 布賴斯編輯,心理人類學圖書館,1980。
Crapanzano, V. "Rite of Return: Circumcision in Morocco." In Psychoanalytic Study of Society. Vol. 9. Edited by W. Meunsterberger and L. Bryce Boyer. Library of Psychological Anthropology, 1980.

穆斯塔法.埃米爾貝葉主編 ,《艾美爾.涂爾幹:現代性社會學者》 Blackwell出版社,, 2003. ISBN: 0631219900。
Emirbayer, Mustafa, ed. Emile Durkheim : sociologist of modernity. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing, 2003. ISBN: 0631219900.


Disciplines, Communities of Expertise and Epistemological Cultural Critique

Before Class

Write a one page abstract on the stakes of "structuralism": consider the question - why does Levi-Strauss consider geology, Marxism, and psycho-analysis to be forms of structuralism? Alternatively: what is structural about structural linguistics?

For Class Discussion

Levi-Strauss, Claude. The savage mind. London, UK: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1966, Chapters 1, 7, and 9.

Leach, Edmund. "Claude Levi-Strauss - Anthropologist and Philosopher." New Left Review, no. 34 (Nov-Dec 1965): 12-27.

Leach, Edmund. "Two Essays Concerning the Symbolic Representation of Time." In  Rethinking Anthropology. London, UK: Athlone Press, 1972, Chapter 6.

布朗A.R. 拉德克利夫,〈戲謔人際關係〉,自《非洲》13卷,第3期(1940年),195-210頁。
Radcliffe-Brown, A. R. "On Joking Relationships." Africa 13, no. 3 (1940): 195-210.

布朗A.R. 拉德克利夫,〈再論戲謔人際關係〉,自《非洲》19卷,第2期(1949年),133-140頁。
Radcliffe-Brown, A. R. "A Further Note on Joking Relationships." Africa 19, no. 2 (1949): 133-140.

蒂莫西.米切爾,〈蚊子能說話嗎?〉,引自《專家規則:埃及,科技-政治學,現代性》,加利福尼亞大學出版社,2003年,ISBN: 0520232615。
Mitchell, Timothy. "Can the Mosquito Speak?" In Rule of experts: Egypt, techno-politics, modernity. Berkeley, CA: University of California, 2003. ISBN: 0520232615.

克利.懷特塞德,〈政治化的自然〉,引自《被分割的自然界:法國人對政治生態學的貢獻》,麻省理工大學出版社,2002年,第4章,ISBN: 0262232219。
Whiteside, Kerry. "Politicizing Nature." In Divided Natures: French contributions to political ecology. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2002, Chapter 4. ISBN: 0262232219.

戴安娜.費希爾,《研究那些研究我們的人:人工智慧世界的人類學家》,斯坦福大學出版社,2001年,夏心偉撰寫部分,ISBN: 0804741417。
Forsythe, Diana. Studying those who study us: an anthropologist in the world of artificial intelligence. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2001, Section by Sha Xin Wei. ISBN: 0804741417.

堂娜.哈拉維,《靈長類視野:在現代科學世界的性別、種族和自然》,紐約Routledge出版社,1989年,ISBN: 0415901146。
Haraway, Donna. Primate visions: gender, race and nature in the world of modern science. New York, NY: Routledge, 1989. ISBN: 0415901146.

堂娜.哈拉維,〈電子人聲明〉,引自《猿,電子人和女人》,紐約Routledge出版社,1991年,ISBN: 0415903866。
Haraway, Donna. "Cyborg Manifesto." In Simians, cyborgs, and women. New York, NY: Routledge,  1991. ISBN: 0415903866.

堂娜.哈拉維,《適當的見證@第二個千年:雌化男性©遇到器官鼠™》,紐約Routledge出版社,1997, 第2章. ISBN: 041591244X。
Haraway, Donna. Modest.Witness@Second.Millenium.: FemaleMan© Meets OncoMouse™. New York, NY: Routledge, 1997, Chapter 2. ISBN: 041591244X.

堂娜.哈拉維,《伴生種宣言:狗、人類和重要的其他物種》,芝加哥Prickly Paradigm出版社,2003年,ISBN: 0971757585。
Haraway, Donna. The companion species manifesto: dogs, people and significant otherness. Chicago, IL: Prickly Paradigm Press, 2003. ISBN: 0971757585.


盧斯•菲利,《新生態秩序》,芝加哥大學出版社,1995年,ISBN: 0226244822。
Ferry, Luc. The new ecological order. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1995. ISBN: 0226244822.

M•費希爾,〈結構主義〉,引自《人類學辭典》,邁登.T.巴非德,Blackwell出版公司,1997年,ISBN: 1557862826。
Fischer, M. "Structuralism." In Dictionary of anthropology. Edited by T. Barfield. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing, 1997. ISBN: 1557862826.

皮埃爾.鮑迪,《實踐理論大綱》,英國劍橋大學出版社,1977年,ISBN: 0521211786。
Bourdieu, Pierre. Outline of a theory of practice. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1977. ISBN: 0521211786.

馬賽爾.黛提娜,《阿多尼斯的花園:希臘神話的意味》,大西洋高地,人文學科出版社,1977年,ISBN: 0391006118。
Detienne, Marcel. The gardens of Adonis: spices in Greek mythology. Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Humanities Press, 1977. ISBN: 0391006118.

馬賽爾.弗考特,《事物的秩序:關於人類科學的考古學》,紐約Pantheon出版社,ISBN: 039443952X。
Foucault, Michel. The order of things: an archaeology of the human sciences. New York, NY: Pantheon Books, 1971. ISBN: 039443952X.

C拉維.施特勞斯,〈符號的效力〉,引自《結構主義人類學》,紐約基礎圖書,1963年,ISBN: 0465082300。
Levi-Strauss, C. "The Effectiveness of Symbols." In Structural anthropology. New York, NY: Basic Books, 1963. ISBN: 0465082300.

埃迪.俄菲,《伯拉圖的隱形城邦:共和政體中的演說和權力》,英國Routledge出版社,1991年,第一章,ISBN: 0415035961。
Ophir, Adi. Plato’s invisible cities : discourse and power in the Republic. London, UK: Routledge, 1991, Chapter 1. ISBN: 0415035961.

蜜雪兒.賽萊斯,《自然契約》,密歇根大學出版社,1995年,ISBN: 0472065491。
Serres, Michel. The natural contract. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 1995. ISBN: 0472065491.

皮埃爾.維達-耐科特,《黑獵人:希臘社會的思維形式和社會形式》,巴爾的摩,約翰霍普金斯大學出版社,1986年,ISBN: 0801832519。
Vidal-Naquet, Pierre. The black hunter : forms of thought and forms of society in the Greek world. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1986. ISBN: 0801832519.


Ecology and Systems: You Can't Change Only One Thing

Before Class

Write a one page abstract on the stakes of "cybernetics" and "systems theories": what is feedback? Positive feedback? Negative feedback? What is the place of "culture" in a cybernetic theory of society?

For Class Discussion

湯瑪斯.馬爾薩斯,《人口論》第二版,英國J.M. Dent出版社,1826
Malthus, Thomas. An essay on population. 2nd ed. London, UK: J.M. Dent, 1826.

Cultural and Technology Supplement:

以馬利.勒,拉德理.羅伊,《朗格多克的農民》,伊利諾依大學出版社,1974年,ISBN: 0252004116。
Le Roy Ladurie, Emmanuel. The Peasants of Languedoc. Champaign, IL: University of Illinois Press, 1974. ISBN: 0252004116.

克利弗德.吉爾茲,《農業退化:印尼的生態變化過程》,為亞洲研究協會出版,加利福尼亞大學出版社,1963年,ISBN: 0520004590。
Geertz, Clifford. Agricultural involution : the process of ecological change in Indonesia. Berkeley, CA: Published for the Association of Asian Studies by University of California Press, 1963. ISBN: 0520004590.

理查.懷特,《有機的機器》,紐約希爾和王出版社,1995. ISBN: 0809035596。
White, Richard. The organic machine. New York, NY: Hill and Wang, 1995. ISBN: 0809035596.

Cultural Supplement

C.拉維.施特勞斯,〈Asdiwal神話〉,引自《神話的結構主義研究》,ASA 5,E.利茨,倫敦,英國,Tavistock出版社,1967年。
Levi-Strauss, C. "The Myth of Asdiwal." In The Structural Study of Myth, ASA 5. Edited by E. Leach. London, UK: Tavistock Publications, 1967.

查理斯.沃爾福斯,《鯨和超級電腦:氣候變化的北方前線》,紐約北點出版社,2004年,ISBN: 0865476594。
Wohlforth, Charles. The whale and the supercomputer : on the northern front of climate change. New York, NY: North Point Press, 2004. ISBN: 0865476594.


Lahsen, Myanna. "International Science and Brazilian Sovereignty: the Large-Scale Biosphere Atmosphere Experiment." 2004.

南茜.勞德,《白鯨時代:跟蹤白色鯨魚的真實故事》,紐約Counterpoint出版社, 2004. ISBN: 1582431515。
Lord, Nancy. Beluga days : tracking a white whale’s truths. New York, NY: Counterpoint, 2004. ISBN: 1582431515.

堂納德.沃斯特,〈阿拉斯加:地球爆發〉,引自《西方天空下:美國西部的自然和歷史》,英國牛津大學出版社,1992年,ISBN: 0195086716。
Worster, Donald. "Alaska: The Underworld Erupts." In Under Western Skies: Nature and History in the American West. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 1992. ISBN: 0195086716.


威廉姆斯.艾倫,《非洲農夫》,紐約Barnes & Noble出版社,1965。
Allan, William. The African husbandman. New York, NY: Barnes & Noble, 1965.

亞歷山大.查亞諾依,《A.V. 查亞諾依的農夫經濟學》,丹尼爾桑納,巴茲爾.科博萊,史密斯.R.E.F,霍姆武德•R.D. 歐文出版社, 1966。
Chayanov, Alexander. A.V. Chayanov on the Theory of peasant economy. Edited by Daniel Thorner, Basile Kerblay, R.E.F. Smith. Homewood, IL: R.D. Irwin, 1966.

瑞內.都蒙德,《農村經濟類型,世界農業研究》,倫敦Methuen有限公司, 1957。
Dumont, René. Types of rural economy; studies in world agriculture. London, UK: Methuen and Co. Ltd., 1957.

黛博拉.菲茨傑拉德,《每個農場都是一個工廠:美國農業的工業化理想》 耶魯大學出版社2003,ISBN: 0300088132。
Fitzgerald, Deborah. Every farm a factory : the industrial ideal in American agriculture. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2003. ISBN: 0300088132.

羅奈爾得J.海靈,〈‘偉大改革’爭辯:與印度南部的本地爭鬥〉,引自《耕地研究:前沿綜合成果》,斯科特和伯特編輯,耶魯大學出版社, 2001. ISBN: 0300085001。
Herring, Ronald J. "Contesting the 'Great Transformation': Local Struggles with the Market in South India." In Agrarian studies: synthetic work at the cutting edge . Edited by Scott and Bhatt. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2001. ISBN: 0300085001.

奧德利.理查,《羅得西亞北部的土地、勞動力和飲食:本巴部落的經濟學研究》,繆斯特,德國LIT和 IAI出版社, 1995. ISBN: 3894738766。
Richards, Audrey. Land, labour and diet in Northern Rhodesia : an economic study of the Bemba tribe. Münster, Germany: LIT with the IAI, 1995. ISBN: 3894738766.

詹姆斯.斯科特,伯特•尼納編寫,《耕地研究:前沿綜合成果》,耶魯大學出版社, 2001. 第5-8章,ISBN: 0300085001。
Scott, James, and Nina Bhatt, eds. Agrarian studies: synthetic work at the cutting edge. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2001, Chapters 5-8. ISBN: 0300085001.

泰奧德.薩因,《笨拙的階級,發展中國家小農階級的政治生態學:1910-1925年的俄國》,牛津大學出版部印刷所,1972年. ISBN: 0198214936。
Shanin, Teodor. The awkward class; political sociology of peasantry in a developing society: Russia 1910-1925. Oxford, UK: Clarendon Press, 1972. ISBN: 0198214936.

Annales School of History

彼得.伯克, 《法國歷史上的大革命:1929-1989年的年鑒學派》 ,斯坦福大學出版社,1990年,ISBN: 0804718369。
Burke, Peter. The French historical revolution : the Annales school, 1929-89. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1990. ISBN: 0804718369.

柴安.斯托埃諾維奇, 《法國歷史方法:年鑒範式》 ,康奈爾大學出版社,1976年,ISBN: 080140861X。
Stoianovich, Traian. French historical method : the Annales paradigm. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1976. ISBN: 080140861X.


System Transformation, Social Formations, Multiple Historical Horizons: The Marxian Challenge

烏利奇.貝克,《風險社會:發展新的現代性》,Sage出版社,1992年,前言和第一章,ISBN: 080398345X。
Beck, Ulrich. Risk society : towards a new modernity. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications, 1992, Preface and Chapter 1. ISBN: 080398345X.
烏利奇.貝克 ,《什麼是全球化》,政治出版社,2000,導言和第二章,ISBN: 0745621252。
Beck, Ulrich. What is Globalization? Malden, MA: Polity Press, 2000, Introduction and Chapter 2. ISBN: 0745621252.
烏利奇.貝克,〈世界性的轉折〉,引自《社會理論的未來》,蓋恩•尼古拉斯,紐約Continuum出版社, 2004. ISBN: 0826470653。
Beck, Ulrich. "The Cosmopolitan Turn." In The future of social theory. Edited by Nicholas Gane. New York, NY: Continuum, 2004. ISBN: 0826470653.

烏利奇.貝克,維爾姆斯.喬尼斯,《與烏利奇.貝克對話》,Blackwell出版社,2004年,ISBN: 0745628230。
Beck, Ulrich, and Johannes Willms. Conversations with Ulrich Beck. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing, 2004. ISBN: 0745628230.

弗朗基斯.埃維德,〈保險和風險〉,引自《福科特效應:政府性研究》,G. 波舍爾,C.戈登,P. 米勒編寫,芝加哥大學出版社,2004年,第197-210頁,ISBN: 0226080447。
Ewald, Francois. "Insurance and Risk." In The Foucault effect. studies in governmentality. Edited by G. Burchell, C. Gordon, and P. Miller. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2004, pp. 197-210. ISBN: 0226080447.

Marx, Karl. The 18th brumaire of Louis Bonaparte. New York, NY: International Publishers, 1964.

卡爾.馬克思,〈拜物主義〉,〈機器製造〉和〈原始積累〉,《資本:政治經濟學批判》第1卷,第1冊,資本產生的過程,英國電氣圖書公司,2001,ISBN: 1843270978。
Marx, Karl. "Commodity Fetishism," "Machines," and "Primitive Accumulation." Capital: a critique of political economy. Vol. I, Book one, the process of production of capital. London, UK: Electric Book Company, 2001. ISBN: 1843270978.

卡爾.馬克思,〈導言〉,〈社會關係和交換價值〉,〈流通和價值〉,〈積累和社會關係〉, 〈簡單交換〉, 〈勞動力交換〉, 〈勞動力客觀價值〉, 〈資本主義前的經濟構成〉,引自《政治經濟學批判大綱》,紐約Harper & Row出版社,1971. ISBN: 0060128283。
Marx, Karl. "Introduction," "Social Relations and Exchange Value," "Circulation and Value," "Accumulation and Social Relations," "Simple Exchange," "Exchange of Labor," "Labor as Objectified Value," and "precapitalist economic formations."In The Grundrisse. New York, NY: Harper & Row, 1971. ISBN: 0060128283.


喬奧•比爾,《CMP》. 2001。
Biehl, Joao. CMP. 2001.

勞倫斯.科恩,〈可操作性:國家邊緣的外科手術〉,自《處在國家邊緣的人類學》,V. 黛斯和D. 普爾編寫,美國研究學院出版社,2004年,ISBN: 1930618409。
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8 後官僚主義社會之有意義的社會行動:韋伯主義者的挑戰
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大衛.海德,《批判理論介紹:霍克海默到哈柏馬斯》,加利福尼亞大學出版社,1980. ISBN: 0520041216。
Held, David. Introduction to critical theory: Horkheimer to Habermas. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1980. ISBN: 0520041216.

馬丁.傑伊,《辨證的想像,1923-1950年法蘭克福學派和社會研究學會歷史》,波斯頓Brown出版社, 1973. ISBN: 0316460494。
Jay, Martin. The dialectical imagination; a history of the Frankfurt School and the Institute of Social Research, 1923-1950. Boston, MA: Brown, 1973. ISBN: 0316460494.

艾舍.萊斯利,〈加油站〉,〈火警〉,〈去天文館〉,〈技術援助〉,〈立體鏡〉,〈敍述技術的歷史〉,自 《瓦爾特.班雅明:壓倒性的因循守舊》倫敦Pluto 出版社, 2000, 第1, 3章. ISBN: 0745315682。
Leslie, Esther. "Filling Station," "Fire Alarm," "To the Planetarium," "Technical Aid," "Stereoscope," and "A Descriptive History of Tecknik." In Walter Benjamin: Overpowering Conformism. London, UK: Pluto Press, 2000, Chapters 1, 3. ISBN: 0745315682.

約翰.P.邁考密特,〈科技的批評式和系統式「質問」:關於如何不去閱讀艾德諾和霍克海默的評論〉,自《面臨集中民主和工業技術:從尼采到哈柏馬斯的政治社會學理論》,麥考密克.J主編,杜克大學出版社2002. ISBN: 0822327783。
McCormick, John P. "A Critical versus Genealogical 'Questioning' of Technology: Notes on How Not to Read Adorno and Horkheimer." In Confronting mass democracy and industrial technology: political and social theory from Nietzsche to Habermas. Edited by J. McCormick. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2002. ISBN: 0822327783.

傑夫瑞.邁爾曼,〈1927年密西西比大洪水〉,自《瓦爾特.班雅明兒童讀物:關於他的收音機時光》,芝加哥大學出版社1993, 第30-34頁. ISBN: 0226518655。
Mehlman, Jeffrey. "The Mississippi Flood, 1927." In Walter Benjamin for children: an essay on his radio years. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1993, pp. 30-34. ISBN: 0226518655.

馬歇爾.麥克魯曼,《媒介是按摩》,紐約Random House出版, 1967。
McLuhan, Marshall. The medium is the massage. New York, NY: Random House, 1967.

傑夫瑞.邁爾曼,《瓦爾特.班雅明兒童讀物:關於他的收音機時光》,芝加哥大學出版社1993, 第30-34頁. ISBN: 0226518655。
Mehlman, Jeffrey. Walter Benjamin for children: an essay on his radio years. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1993. ISBN: 0226518655.

雷納.納格勒,《劇院、理論、思索:瓦爾特.班雅明和現代性場景》,約翰霍普金斯大學出版社,1991. ISBN: 0801841232。
Nägele, Rainer. Theater, theory, speculation: Walter Benjamin and the scenes of modernity. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1991. ISBN: 0801841232.

雷.莎拉.勞夫,〈班雅明和心理分析〉,自《瓦爾特.班雅明的劍橋同伴》 , 英國劍橋大學出版社,2004. ISBN: 0521793297。
Roff, Sarah Ley. "Benjamin and Psychoanalysis." In The Cambridge companion to Walter Benjamin. Edited by David S. Ferris. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2004. ISBN: 0521793297.

邁克爾.T. 陶西格,《薩滿教、殖民主義和極端分子:恐怖行動和康復研究》,芝加哥大學出版社,1987. ISBN: 0226790126。
Taussig, Michael T. Shamanism, colonialism, and the wild man: a study in terror and healing. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1987. ISBN: 0226790126.


Bodies, Multitudes, Codes and Flows: The Challenge of 1970s-90s French "Theory"

吉爾.德勒茲,《控制社會後記》,10月59期(1990/1992),第 3-7頁. [來源:《他者雜誌》1 (1990年5月).]
Deleuze, Gilles. "Postscript on the Societies of Control." October 59 (1990/1992): 3-7. [Original: L'Autre Journal 1 (May 1990).]
米歇爾.傅柯,《規訓與懲罰:監獄的產生》,萬神殿圖書, 1977,第一部分,第一章;第二部分,第一章第一節和第二章, ISBN: 0394499425。
Foucault, Michel. Discipline and punish: the birth of the prison. New York, NY: Pantheon Books, 1977, Part I, Chapter 1, Part II Chapter 1, sec. 1, and Chapter 2. ISBN: 0394499425.

吉恩.弗蘭高斯.李奧塔,附錄和〈什麼是後現代主義〉,自《後現代狀態:知識報告》,明尼蘇達大學出版社,1984. ISBN: 0816611661。
Lyotard, Jean François. Appendix, and "What is Postmodernism?" In The postmodern condition: a report on knowledge. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 1984. ISBN: 0816611661.

派奧勞.威厄諾,《群眾規則》,Semiotext出版, 2004,第7-18, 21-23, 40-45, 49-70, 76-79, 81, 84-93頁. ISBN: 158435021。
Virno, Paolo. A grammar of the multitude. Cambridge, MA: Semiotext, 2004, pp. 7-18, 21-23, 40-45, 49-70, 76-79, 81, and 84-93. ISBN: 1584350210.


雅克.德里達,馬拉博.凱薩琳,《反其道而行之:與雅克.德里達同行》,斯坦福大學出版社2004. ISBN: 0804740402。
Derrida, Jacques, and Catherine Malabou. Counterpath: traveling with Jacques Derrida. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2004. ISBN: 0804740402.

吉爾.德勒茲,瓜塔里.菲力克斯,《千百個高原:資本主義和精神分裂症》,倫敦Athlone出版社, 1987. ISBN: 0485120585。
Deleuze, Gilles, and Felix Guattari. A thousand plateaus: capitalism and schizophrenia. London, UK: Athlone Press, 1987. ISBN: 0485120585.

米歇爾.傅柯,《無畏的演說》,洛杉磯Semiotext出版, 2002. ISBN: 1584350156。
Foucault, Michel. Fearless speech. Los Angeles, CA: Semiotext, 2001. ISBN: 1584350113.

朱麗亞.克利斯蒂娃,〈1968年留下什麼?〉 ,自《她說,反抗》,洛杉磯Semiotext出版社, 2002. ISBN: 1584350156。
Kristeva, Julia. "What's Left of 1968?." In Revolt, she said. Los Angeles, CA: Semiotext, 2002. ISBN: 1584350156.

大衛.羅斯.弗賴爾,《他人的干涉:列維納斯和拉康的倫理主觀性》,紐約Other出版社, 2004. ISBN: 1590510887。
Fryer, David Ross. The intervention of the other: ethical subjectivity in Levinas and Lacan. New York, NY: Other Press, 2004. ISBN: 1590510887.

吉恩.弗蘭高斯.萊奧塔德,《漂移作用》紐約Semiotext出版, 1984. ISBN: 0936756047。
Lyotard, Jean François. Driftworks. New York, NY: Semiotext, 1984. ISBN: 0936756047.

吉恩.弗蘭高斯.萊奧塔德,《後現代狀態:知識報告》,明尼蘇達大學出版社,1984. ISBN: 0816611661。
Lyotard, Jean François. The postmodern condition: a report on knowledge. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 1984. ISBN: 0816611661.


彼得.柏格,《大師的思考:介於黑格爾和超現實主義之間的巴泰萊》,西北大學出版社,2002. ISBN: 0810115581。
Bürger, Peter. The thinking of the master: Bataille between Hegel and surrealism. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 2002. ISBN: 0810115581.

布賴恩.馬舒密,《虛擬寓言:運動、影響、情感》,杜克大學出版社,2002. ISBN: 0822328828。
Massumi, Brian. Parables for the virtual: movement, affect, sensation. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2002. ISBN: 0822328828.

克裏斯汀.羅斯,《快速汽車、規則的機構:非殖民地化和重整法國文化》,麻省理工學院出版社, 1995. ISBN: 0262680912。
Ross, Kristin. Fast cars, clean bodies: decolonization and the reordering of French culture. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1995. ISBN: 0262680912.

克裏斯汀.羅斯,《1968年五月及其後的歲月》,芝加哥大學出版社,2002. ISBN: 0226727971。
Ross, Kristin. May ’68 and its afterlives. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2002. ISBN: 0226727971.

斯蒂芬.瓦特,〈波德裡拉德的美國(和我們的?):從發展階段來看〉,自《後現代/戲劇:解讀當前發展階段》,密歇根大學出版社,1998, 第5章. ISBN: 0472108727。
Watt, Stephen. "Baudrillard's America (and Ours?): The View from the Stage." In Postmodern/drama: reading the contemporary stage. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 1998, Chapter 5. ISBN: 0472108727.


Material-Semiotic Objects: Cyborg and Companionate Anthropologies

堂娜.珍妮.哈拉維,《伴生種聲明:狗、人和其他重要物種》,芝加哥Prickly Paradigm出版, 2003. ISBN: 0971757585。
Haraway, Donna Jeanne. The companion species manifesto: dogs, people, and significant otherness. Chicago, IL: Prickly Paradigm, 2003. ISBN: 0971757585.

堂娜.哈拉維,《適當的見證@第二個千年:雌化男性©遇到器官鼠》,紐約Routledge出版, 1997, 第2章. ISBN: 041591244X。
Haraway, Donna. Modest.Witness@Second.Millenium.: FemaleMan© Meets OncoMouse™. New York, NY: Routledge, 1997, Chapter 2. ISBN: 041591244X.

史蒂夫.貝克,《後現代動物》,倫敦Reaktion出版, 2000. ISBN: 1861890605。
Baker, Steve. The postmodern animal. London, UK: Reaktion, 2000. ISBN: 1861890605.

黛博拉.勃魯姆,《猴子戰爭》,紐約,牛津大學出版社,1994. ISBN: 0195094123。
Blum, Deborah. The monkey wars. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 1994. ISBN: 0195094123.

洛雷塔.A.考米爾,《與猴子的血緣關係:亞馬遜河東部流域的瓜加劫掠者》,哥倫比亞大學出版社2003. ISBN: 0231125240。
Cormier, Loretta A. Kinship with monkeys: the Guajá foragers of eastern Amazonia. New York, NY: Columbia University Press, 2003. ISBN: 0231125240.

C. 雷.格利克,格利克.史溫格理.吉恩,《聖牛和金鵝:人類在動物實驗上的代價》,紐約Continuum出版社, 2001. ISBN: 0826412262。
Greek, C. Ray, and Jean Swingle Greek. Sacred cows and golden geese: the human cost of experiments on animals. New York, NY: Continuum Press, 2001. ISBN: 0826412262.

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Greenough, Paul. "Naturae Ferae: Wild Animals in South Asia and the Standard Environmental Narrative." In Agrarian studies: synthetic work at the cutting edge . Edited by Scott and Bhatt. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2001. ISBN: 0300085001.

堂娜.珍妮.哈拉維,《靈長類的視角:現代科學社會的性別、種族和自然》,紐約Routledge出版社, 1989. ISBN: 0415901146。
Haraway, Donna Jeanne. Primate visions: gender, race, and nature in the world of modern science. New York, NY: Routledge, 1989. ISBN: 0415901146.

莎拉.布萊弗.海瑞,《阿布的葉猴:繁殖的雌雄兩性策略》,哈佛大學出版社,1977. ISBN: 0674510577。
Hdry, Sarah Blaffer. The Langurs of Abu: Female and Male Strategies of Reproduction. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1977. ISBN: 0674510577.

阿奇拉.密祖塔.李皮特,《電子動物:關於野生動植物的討論》,明尼蘇達大學出版社,2000. ISBN: 0816634858。
Lippit, Akira Mizuta. Electric animal: toward a rhetoric of wildlife. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 2000. ISBN: 0816634858.

艾米高.奧努奇.蒂而耐,〈在日本文化中的以猴子為自我〉,自《穿越時間的文化:人類學方法》,斯坦福大學出版社,1990. ISBN: 0804717923。
Ohnuki-Tierney, Emiko. "The Monkey as Self in Japanese Culture." In Culture through time: anthropological approaches. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1990. ISBN: 0804717923.

克倫.A.拉德,《製造老鼠:為美國生物醫學研究提供標準化動物,1900-1955》,普林斯頓大學出版社,2004. ISBN: 0691016364。
Rader, Karen A. Making mice : standardizing animals for American biomedical research, 1900-1955. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2004. ISBN: 0691016364.

黛博拉.路德希勒,《解剖刀和蝴蝶:動物研究和動物保護之間的鬥爭》,紐約Farrar, Straus,和Giroux出版社, 2000. ISBN: 0374254206。
Rudacille, Deborah. The scalpel and the butterfly: the war between animal research and animal protection. New York, NY: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 2000. ISBN: 0374254206.

彼得.辛格,《動物解放》,紐約評論圖書公司出版,1990. ISBN: 0940322005。
Singer, Peter. Animal liberation. New York, NY: New York Review of Books, 1990. ISBN: 0940322005.

卡利.烏爾夫,《動物存在論:動物的問題》,明尼蘇達大學出版社,2003. ISBN: 0816641056。
Wolfe, Cary. Zoontologies: the question of the animal. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 2003. ISBN: 0816641056.


Trauma, Human Rights, the Humanitarian Industry, and the Reconstruction of Society after Violent Distruction

奧漢.帕姆克,《雪》,倫敦,英國,Faber and Faber出版社, 2004. ISBN: 0571220657。
Pamuk, Orhan. Snow. London, UK: Faber and Faber, 2004. ISBN: 0571220657.

James, Erica. "The Political Economy of 'Trauma' in Haiti in the Democratic Era of Insecurity." In Postcolonial Disorders. Edited by M. Good and S. Hyde. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2004.

喬治奧.艾加姆本,《奧斯維辛倖存者:證人和檔案》,紐約,Zone圖書,1999年,ISBN: 1890951161。
Agamben, Giorgio. Remnants of Auschwitz: the witness and the archive. New York, NY: Zone Books, 1999. ISBN: 1890951161.

喬治奧.艾加姆本,《人祭司:君主的權力和赤裸的生命》,斯坦福大學出版社,1998年. ISBN: 0804732175。
Agamben, Giorgio. Homo sacer: sovereign power and bare life. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1998. ISBN: 0804732175.

維納.黛斯,〈國家的簽名:模糊悖論〉,引自《處在國家邊緣的人類學》,黛斯.V.和普爾.D.編寫,美國研究學院出版社,2004年. ISBN: 1930618409。
Das, Veena. "The Signature of the State: The Paradox of Illegibility." In Anthropology at the margins of the state. Edited by V. Das and D. Poole. Santa Fe, NM: School of American Research Press, 2004. ISBN: 1930618409.

維納.黛斯,〈目擊的作用:暴力、有害的知識和主觀性〉,引自《暴力和主觀性》,維納.黛斯主編,加利福尼亞大學出版社,2000年, ISBN: 0520216075。
Das, Veena. "The act of Witnessing: Violence, Poisonous Knowledge, and Subjectivity." In Violence and Subjectivity. Edited by Veena Das, et al. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2000. ISBN: 0520216075.

維納.黛斯,〈語言和身體:疼痛構造的處理過程〉,引自《社會苦難》,黛斯.維納,亞瑟.克萊曼,瑪格麗特•洛克等編寫,加利福尼亞出版社,1997年,ISBN: 0520209931。
Das, Veena. "Language and Body: Transactions in the Construction of Pain." In Social Suffering. Edited by Arthur Kleinman, Veena Das, and Margaret Lock. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1997. ISBN: 0520209931.

馬克.R.達夫爾德,《全球統治和新戰爭:安全與發展的融合》,Zed圖書,2001年. ISBN: 1856497496。
Duffield, Mark R. Global governance and the new wars: the merging of development and security. London, UK: Zed Books, 2001. ISBN: 1856497496.

邁克爾.M. J.費希爾,〈與那些可能無法忍受的東西共存,II:以巴邊界問題感悟〉,引自《後殖民地時期的混亂》,古德.M.和海德.S.,加利福尼亞大學出版社,2004年。
Fischer, Michael M. J. "To Live With What Would Otherwise Be Unendurable, II: Caught in the Borderlands of Palestine/Israel." In Postcolonial Disorders. Edited by M. Good and S. Hyde. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2004.

理查.麥克耐利,《記住創傷》,哈佛大學出版社Belknap出版社,2003年. ISBN: 0674010825。
McNally, Richard. Remembering trauma. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2003. ISBN: 0674010825.

迪派克.邁塔,柴特吉.羅邁,〈分界線,姓名,改變:關於孟買Dharavi 「團體暴亂」的案例研究〉,引自《重建世界:暴力、社會痛苦和復原》,黛斯•V.主編,加利福尼亞出版社, 2001年. ISBN: 0520223292。
Mehta, Deepak, and Roma Chatterji. "Boundaries, Names, Alterities: A Case Study of a 'Communal Riot' in Dharavi, Bombay." In Remaking a world: violence, social suffering, and recovery. Edited by V. Das, et al. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2001. ISBN: 0520223292.

Pandolfi, Mariella. "Right of Interference, Temporality of Emergency, Necessity of Action: The Triangle of Humanitarian Biopower." 2002.

本.斯帕德,《關於神經的戰爭:20世紀的士兵和精神病學家》,哈佛大學出版社, 2001年. ISBN: 0674011198。
Shepard, Ben. A War of Nerves: Soldiers and Psychiatrists in the Twentieth Century. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2001. ISBN: 0674011198.

邁克爾.陶西格,《我的可卡因博物館》芝加哥大學出版社,2004年. ISBN: 0226790088。
Taussig, Michael T. My cocaine museum. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2004. ISBN: 0226790088.

邁克爾.陶西格,《無法之境的法律︰哥倫比亞的一份"limpieza"的日誌》,紐約,NY: New Press, 2003. ISBN: 1565848632。
Taussig, Michael T. Law in a lawless land: diary of a "limpieza" in Colombia. New York, NY: New Press, 2003. ISBN: 1565848632.

艾倫.楊, 《幻想的和絃:發現後創傷壓力綜合症》 ,普林斯頓大學出版社,1995年。
Young, Alan. The Harmony of Illusions: Inventing Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1995.
作者: silver    时间: 2009-1-2 04:40










Response Papers

Two students are assigned each week to help lead the discussion. Everyone else must (and the discussion leaders may, but are not required to) write a response paper on the readings. The response papers must be circulated to the entire class at least three hours before the class meets (i.e. the night before or early in the morning of class) by email.

The response papers (3-5 pp.) are of the following alternative forms (1) understanding; (2) application; (3) extension:

Select a passage from the reading that strikes you as puzzling or jargon ridden. Rewrite the passage as best you can in your own words. Analyze what your version does better and what it fails to capture of the original. The goal is to identify the stakes of the arguments, historical or social perspectives of the author(s), and the degree to which arguments are specific to their contexts or generalizable.

Find an item in the newspaper or current journal that relates to the week's reading. Apply the analysis of the week's reading to the current item.

Take your own current intellectual research project, or experiences you have had in a lab or work situation, and creatively apply the week's reading to it; do this iteratively with different weeks' readings to gain a multiple theoretical perspective on your project.
作者: silver    时间: 2009-1-2 04:40





馬丁.海德格爾(Martin Heidegger)(1889-1976) (PDF)
瓦爾特.班雅明(Walter Benjamin)(1892-1940)和查理斯•波特賴爾(Charles Baudelaire)(1821-1867) (PDF)
麥斯.韋伯(Max Weber) (PDF)
法蘭克福學派(批評理論) (PDF)
20世紀70年代到2004年間的法國理論和義大利理論 (PDF)

More information about:

Martin Heidegger (1889-1976) (PDF)
Walter Benjamin (1892-1940) and Charles Baudelaire (1821-1867) (PDF)
Max Weber (1864-1920) (PDF)
The Frankfurt School (Critical Theory) (PDF)
French Theory of the 1970s-2004 and Italian Theory of 1970s-2004 (PDF)
作者: silver    时间: 2009-1-2 04:42





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「開放式學習支援網」是由The William and Flora Hewlett 基金會贊助提供。
作者: silver    时间: 2009-1-2 04:47





告訴我們這些 .ZIP檔如何協助你進行教導與學習。





開啟.ZIP並解壓縮後,就可使用瀏覽器開啟「麻省理工開放式課程」的html網頁。解壓後根目錄下的 Welcome.htm 檔案會將你導向該課程首頁。
.ZIP檔案中的課程內容與「麻省理工開放式課程」所出版的材料一樣,必需依照創作共享理念授權同意書規範。  常見問答集

作者: silver    时间: 2009-1-2 06:03

麻省理工學院「開放式課程網頁」授權規範版本 1.0




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