


  简介: 金兹伯格是意大利微观史学的代表性人物,《奶酪与蛆虫》这本书也成了他的代表作,如何从日常生活的琐碎中去发现时代的脉动是微观史(日常生活史)的主要问题意识,不过关于这方面的争论也蛮多的。此外,鲁格埃罗的《玛格丽特·马塞兰尼的离奇之死:前现代医学中的病痛、症状与日常世界》、拉杜里的《蒙塔尤》、罗伯特·达恩顿的《屠猫记:法国文化史的钩沉》等著作或都可以算作此领域的杰作,这些著作都有中译本,却不知道为什么金兹伯格这本1976年就出来的书现在还没中译本,他的另一本《夜间的战斗(16\17世纪的巫术和农业崇拜)》都早已有了中译本了
  卡洛•金斯伯格(Carlo Ginzburg),意大利著名历史学家,“微观史学”的先驱。1939年生、1961年获得比萨大学文学博士学位、并在博洛尼亚大学等多所意大利大学任教,1988年起任加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校教授,研究领域为意大利文艺复兴史与欧洲近代早期史。主要代表作品为:《奶酪与蛆虫:一个16世纪磨坊主的精神世界》(1976年)、《夜间的战斗:16、17世界的巫术和农业崇拜》(1966年)。
  1、 异端分子与异端言论[1584年以前]
  2、 异端思想产生的思想根源分析,第一次审判的过程记录
  3、 第一次审判及判决下狱[1584—1587]
  4、 被释放后再次成为异端言论的传播者[1587—1599]
  5、 第二次审判,生命被火刑终结[1599]
  6、 异端思想产生根源反思[精英文化和大众文化的碰撞交锋及各自的应对]
  A 故事梗概:
  《奶酪与蛆虫:一个16世纪磨坊主的精神世界》讲述十六世纪发生在意大利北部弗留利区[Friuli]地区的小山城蒙特瑞阿勒[Montereale]的一位名叫多莫尼科•斯堪德拉[Domeneico Scandella]磨坊主的故事,,当地人习惯称之为麦诺齐奥[Menocchio]。
  麦诺齐奥[Menocchio]拥有自己独特的世界观和宗教观。否认上帝创世说,否定教会权威和鼓动反对教会压迫。他的世界起源观点正如书名所指:世界一切起源于混沌状态,由土壤,水和空气组成最初的混沌物质就是世界的本源,在这种混沌中产生的一个簇群便产生世界。 就像牛奶中制造出奶酪,然后奶酪腐烂变质,蛆虫出现于奶酪,这些蛆虫就是最初的天使。这些天使之中最有权威的就是上帝。他提出一个重要的观点:爱邻人比爱上帝更加重要。他广为传播自己的异端言论,最终导致宗教裁判所的不满,于1584年和1599年两次受到宗教审判,第一次审判被关押3年后主动请求宗教裁判所的宽恕和怜悯,被释放回乡。被释放之后不久又开始传播宗教异端思想,于1599年受到第二次逮捕审判,最终被处以火刑。
  B 写作目的:
  卡洛•金斯伯格试图通过重新建构麦诺齐奥[Menocchio]的生平历史,从一个小人物的侧面分析主人公的异端思想言论产生的原因。通过建构16世纪意大利北部的这个小山村的磨坊主的思想渊源的个案,进而去理解发现意大利的下层社会的独特的思想基础。作者利用大量的宗教审判记录材料重现这个小山村磨坊主的生活轨迹。麦诺齐奥[Menocchio]对于自己的异端思想言论自信肯定, 声称自己的观点是通过自己的智慧和思考独立得到的精华。作者通过对材料的梳理和思考,寻找到主人公麦诺齐奥[Menocchio]的思想源头。
  C 思想产生原因分析:

《奶酪与蛆虫:一个十六世纪磨坊主的宇宙观》(英文版) - 外语学习 - 小木虫论坛 - 学术科研第一站  http://emuch.net/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=4965811

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The Cheese and the Worms

作者: Carlo Ginzburg
出版社: The Johns Hopkins University Press
副标题: The Cosmos of a Sixteenth-Century Miller
译者: John Tedeschi / Anne C. Tedeschi
出版年: 1992-03-01
页数: 188
装帧: Paperback


内容简介  · · · · · ·
A survey of popular culture in 16th century Italy. Ginzburg’s study The Cheese & The Worms: The Cosmos of a Sixteenth-century Miller, first published in 1976, is one of those fascinating micro-histories which explores the remote lives of unknown and forgotten people. The story of Menocchio is one of a peasant life of obscurity but also one of strange and powerful ideas – confused and half-baked even – but powerful enough to bring him into conflict with the Inquisition and thereafter to the final purgatorial flames.
“I have said that, in my opinion, all was chaos … and out of that bulk a mass formed – just as cheese is made out of milk – and worms appeared in it, and these were the angels, and among that number of angels, there was also God, he too having been created out of that mass at the same time ….”
This was Menocchio’s own version of Genesis, recounted at his first interrogation: it has perhaps something in common with modern chaos theory. Sadly, the inquisitors did not appreciate the idea that God might have started out as a worm in a primordial curd. Nonetheless, this was Menocchio’s oft-repeated explanation, one he never recanted. More than an independent mind, Menocchio’s was a rebel spirit, harshly critical of Church and clergy and determined to have his say. His ‘learning’ was a fascinating hotch-potch of superstition, oral tradition, ‘strong’ ideas, misunderstood reading, peasant radicalism, paganism and ‘cottage cheese cosmology’. Ginzburg’s book details the patient mechanism of the Inquisition in Counter Reformation Italy as it sought to eradicate suspected heresy and heretical groups rather in the same way that Stalin suspected counter-revolution everywhere.
Bruno burned for the books he had written; Menocchio burned for the books he had misunderstood. Both burnings demonstrate among other things the truth of the old adage; a little learning can be a dangerous thing. Menocchio’s roasting generated more heat than light but at least it did not contradict the Laws of Thermodynamics. Today in Montereale the visitor will find the Domenico Scandella Social Centre. In the piazza there is a monument in the form of a large wheel of cheese with one slice missing. Our heretic has become a hero. Stephen Dedalus said of Bruno that, heretic or not, ‘he was terribly burnt’; so was the poor miller from Friuli.

作者简介  · · · · · ·
Carlo Ginzburg is a noted historian and pioneer of microhistory. He is most famous for his ground-breaking book, The Cheese and the Worms: The Cosmos of a Sixteenth Century Miller, which examined the beliefs of an Italian heretic, Menocchio, from Montereale Valcellina.

目录  · · · · · ·
Translators' Note viii
Preface to the English Edition xi
Preface to the Italian Edition xiii
Acknowledgments xxvii
1-62 1-127
Notes 129
Index of Names 173
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(意)卡洛·金斯伯格著:夜间的战斗——16、17世纪的巫术和农业崇拜 - 学科知识仓 - 民俗学论坛-Folklore Forum   

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